PT Social Media Version 2.0 Upgrade

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The following guide is upgrading from v1.2 to v2.0.

Application Code

  1. Rename directory "/ADF/apps/pt_socialmedia/" to "/ADF/apps/pt_socialmedia_v1_2/".
  2. Rename file "/ADF/apps/pt_socialmedia_v1_2/appBeanConfig.cfm" to "/ADF/apps/pt_socialmedia_v1_2/appBeanConfig.cfm.old".
  3. Download the PT Social Media v2.0 and exported into the "/ADF/apps/pt_socialmedia/" directory.

Reset the ADF for the server and site.

Site Customizations

During the application implementation customizations may have been created. Check under the "/_cs_apps/pt_socialmedia/" directory under you site to see if any customizations exists. If you do have site customizations, you'll need to update these accordingly.