PT Social Media Version 2.1 Upgrade

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The following guide is upgrading from v2.0 to v2.1.

Custom Element Updates

PTSocialMedia Configuration

Add the following new fields to the Twitter API tab of the ptSocialMedia Configuration element:

  1. a Twitter API v1.1 Customer Key text field
    1. Type: text
    2. Field Name: apiTwitterCustomerKey
    3. Field Label: apiTwitterCustomerKey
    4. Description: The Consumer Key you received when you registered your App with Twitter.
    5. Required: No
    6. Properties:
      1. Size: 40
  1. a Twitter API v1.1 Customer Secret text field
    1. Type: text
    2. Field Name: apiTwitterCustomerSecret
    3. Field Label: apiTwitterCustomerSecret
    4. Description: The Consumer Secret you received when you registered your App on Twitter.
    5. Required: No
    6. Properties:
      1. Size: 40
  1. a Twitter API v1.1 POST oauth2/token URL text field
    1. Type: text
    2. Field Name: apiTwitterAuthTokenURL
    3. Field Label: apiTwitterAuthTokenURL
    4. Description: Twitter API Oauth token request URL.
    5. Required: No
    6. Properties:
      1. Size: 60
      2. Default Value:

App Configuration Updates

After the new fields have been added to the PTSocialMedia Configuration element:

  1. Go to the Social Media App Configuration Manager and click the "Edit Configuration" button.
  2. When the configuration form opens, go to the Twitter API tab, then add/update the the following fields with these new values:
    1. apiTwitterCustomerKey: {Your Twitter App Customer Key. more info... }
    2. apiTwitterCustomerSecret: {Your Twitter App Customer Secret. more info... }
    3. apiTwitterAuthTokenURL:
    4. apiTwitterSearch:{{searchterm}}
    5. apiTwitterScreenName:{{screenname}}
    6. apiTwitterProfileURL:{{screenname}}
    7. apiTwitterStatusURL:{{twitterid}}.json
    8. apiTwitterTweetURL:{{screenname}}/status/{{twitterid}}
  3. Then click "Submit".
  4. When the configuration page reloads click the "Reset ADF / App Configuration" button.
- Twitter App Registration Instructions

Application Code

  1. Rename directory "/ADF/apps/pt_socialmedia/" to "/ADF/apps/pt_socialmedia_v2_0/".
  2. Rename file "/ADF/apps/pt_socialmedia_v2_0/appBeanConfig.cfm" to "/ADF/apps/pt_socialmedia_v2_0/appBeanConfig.cfm.old".
  3. Download the PT Social Media v2.1 and copy the extracted files into the "/ADF/apps/pt_socialmedia/" directory.

Reset the ADF for the server and site.

Site Customizations

During the application implementation customizations may have been created. Check under the "/_cs_apps/pt_socialmedia/" directory under you site to see if any customizations exists. If you do have site customizations, you'll need to update these accordingly.