ADF Core Bean Config

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Revision as of 01:30, 24 December 2009 by Renee.mckechnie (talk | contribs)
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Core bean configuration file for the lightwire framework. This setup creates the singletons and dependencies for the ADF.


The Bean Configuration file extends the Lightwire Config Extended Base component file.

The configuration file works to setup factory objects for all the components in the lib directory and then initiate the App Bean Config for the custom applications.

  • loadADFLibComponents function in the Lightwire Config Extended Base. The parameters are the ADF directory to locate all components and the directories to exclude. This function locates and creates singletons for all the components in the argument directory.
  *	Build bean objects for all components in the ADF\LIB directory
  *		Argument 1 = Directory to recurse for component files
  *		Argument 2 = Director names to exclude
 loadADFLibComponents("ADF\lib\", "ajax");
  • Create the CoreConfig object into the factory.
  *	Load the singleton for the Core Config file
 addSingleton("ADF.core.Config", "CoreConfig");
  *	Load the ADF application bean configuration files (appBeanConfig.cfc)
  *	Load the site level application bean configuration files (appBeanConfig.cfc)
  * 	Load the site level components into application.ADF space.
  *	     Recurse through the '/_cs_apps/components/' directory for each site.