CSData 1 0
From ADF Docs
Attention: Do not change any text in the description, properties, and functions sections.
Return to Library (API)
CommonSpot Data Utils functions for the ADF Library
- dependency = data_1_0
- version = 1_0_0
- wikiTitle = CSData_1_0
- type = singleton
- copyUploadFileToSubsite
- Copies the uploaded file from the _cs_uploads to the subsite upload folder.
- decipherCPIMAGE
- Returns the proper structure for an image based on the 'CPIMAGE:' text provided by CEData() calls
- findUploadFileExistsInSubsite
- Function returns T/F is file exists in subsite upload folder
- formatSubsiteURL
- Allows the subsiteURL to have a proper format
- getCommonSpotSites
- Returns the CommonSpot sites for the server.
- getContactData
- Retrieves CommonSpot user data when given a user ID.
- getCSPageDataByURL
- Returns a query containing the page ID and page title of the page URL provided
- getDefaultRenderHandlerHTML
- Returns the HTML for the default render handler with the passed in element name.
- getDefaultRenderHandlerPath
- Returns the Path for the Default Render Handler for an Element.
- getDocIcon
- Returns the document Icon based on the MIME type
- getFullCurrentPageURL
- Returns the full page url for the current page using CS request variables.
- getLanguageCounterPart
- Returns a metadata structure for this pages lanugage counterpart
- getLanguageName
- Given a languageID retrieve the language name
- getPageMetadata
- Return the standard and custom metadata for a page.
- getParentSubsiteFromURL
- Returns the parentSubsiteID given a subsiteURL
- getSubsiteIDByPageID
- Returns the Subsite ID for the Page ID.
- getSubsiteQueryByID
- Returns a Query for the subsite information
- getTopLevelParentSubsiteID
- Returns the Subsite ID for the Page ID.
- getUploadedDocPageURL
- Returns the CS page url for the uploaded document.
- getUploadedDocPublicName
- Returns the public file name for the uploaded document
- getUploadedFilePageID
- Returns Page ID for the subsite id and uploaded filename.
- isCSPageActive
- Returns T/F for the active status of the page id.
- serializedFormStringToStruct
- Returns a structure of the element fields containing the serialized form data.
- validateADFBeanObject
- Search the Application spaces on the site for the for the bean object.