PT Social Media Version 1.0 Install
Back to Social Media
Download the Social Media Application from the Community Site Project or from the SVN Repository.
Extract the zip files into the following directory: /ADF/apps/pt_social_media/
Site Configuration
The Social Media Application is built within the ADF. The ADF 1.5 or greater must be installed in the site to run the Social Media Application, follow the ADF Installation instructions.
- Make sure the ADF is setup and running on the site. If the ADF is not setup, then follow the instructions for ADF Installation.
- Open the sites 'ADF.cfc' (See Site Configuration (ADF.cfc) for more info) file (located in your site's /_cs_apps/ directory) in a text editor. Locate the Load the ADF Application into application space comment in the file. Add (or uncomment) the following command under the comment section:
- Reset the ADF for the server and site.
There are several out of the box style options for the Social Media application. Most of the styles are defined in the following style sheets located in the /style directory within the ADF Social Media App directory:
- socialmedia.css
You have two options: you can either load them into your Base Plus One (recommended) or your can load them into the Social Media Template you create.
Note: the classes and styles defined for the Social Media app are targeted tightly for the layout generated by the Social Media application and should not interfere with your site styles. However, it is a good idea to give these styles sheets higher precedence in your style definitions.