CSData 1 0-getPageMetadata
From ADF Docs
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Given a Page ID, getPageMetadata will return a structure containing the standard and custom metadata for a page.
public Struct getPageMetadata ( numeric pageID, numeric categoryID, numeric subsiteID, string inheritedTemplateList )
Required | Name | Type | Description |
required | pageID | numeric | |
optional | categoryID | numeric | |
optional | subsiteID | numeric | |
optional | inheritedTemplateList | string | [Default: ] |
Example 1: Get the approval status for the current page. Uses the standard page metadata:
pageMeta = application.ADF.CSData.getpageMetadata(request.page.id);
if ( StructKeyExists(pageMeta.standard, "approvalStatus") AND LEN(pageMeta.standard.approvalStatus)){
pageApprovalStatus = pageMeta.standard["approvalStatus"];
Example 2: Get the blogID from the custom Metadata form bound to the current page:
pageMeta = application.ADF.CSData.getpageMetadata(request.page.id);
if ( StructKeyExists(pageMeta.custom, "Blogs2") AND (StructKeyExists(pageMeta.custom.Blogs2, "blogID")) and (LEN(pageMeta.custom.Blogs2.blogID))){
blogID = pageMeta.custom.Blogs2.blogID;