PT Social Media Version 3.3 Release Notes

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We are proud to release v3.3 of PT Social Media Stream App to the Community.

IMPORTANT: v3.3 of this application requires ADF 2.5 or greater and CommonSpot 10.5.2 or 10.6.1 or greater.

If installing the PT Social Media app for the first time, please follow the PT Social Media v3.3 Install Guide.

If upgrading from version 3.2 or later, please complete the v1.0 - v3.3 Upgrade Guides in order.


  • Updated the Facebook feed structure to allow for more data.
  • Updated Twitter Feed Data build process since no tweet text was being added due to renamed field in data retrieved via API.
  • Added new config functions getMaxPostsPerService and getServiceTypeFeedCacheFileEnabled.
  • Updated Date formatting to make date rendering consistent in each Admin Dashboard Pod.
  • Updated the Feed Cache rebuild process to create a JSON backup file of the Feed Cache data.
  • Added logic to use the Feed Cache JSON backup file when the Feed Cache in memory is unavailable.
  • Updates to the scheduling of the Feed Cache rebuild process.
  • Enhanced the error handling in the Instagram and Facebook feed stream build process.
  • Exported a new '' which was updated with the YouTube Include and Exclude List fields.
  • Updated the error handling message and logging to report if a Social Media service Include or Exclude List field was not added to the “Social Media” filtering Global Custom Element.
  • Updated the wordPressBlogsDAO, twitterAccountsKeywordsDAO, and youTubeChannelsDAO components to utilize the SocialMedia Filtering Global Custom Element by adding the Include/Excluded filter Save/Delete functions.
  • Adding a new smServicesBaseDAO component which contains the shared functions (saveExcludedPostsIDs, saveIncludedPostsIDs, deleteExcludedPostsIDs, deleteIncludedPostsIDs, and socialMediaFilteringCCAPI) to be used by each of the Service Page/Account DAO components.
  • Updating the facebookFeedsDAO, twitterAccountsKeywordsDAO, wordpressBlogsDAO, and youTubeChannelsDAO components to extend the new smServicesBaseDAO component to use shared Exclude/Include methods.
  • Updated the 'sm_debug_links' custom script file to add the Instagram error log file link, if the file exists.
  • Moved the process to get the Instagram Business Account ID out to its own function getInstagramAcctID().
  • Updated to standardize the use of filterType config value and with a filterType override argument in each of the service type buildFeedData methods.
  • Updated to add error handling and logging to catch if the Social Media service IncludeList or ExcludeList fields are missing from the Social Filtering Global Custom Element.
  • Update the 'YouTube Player in a Lightbox' to use the YouTube IFrame Player in the 'Combined Stream' renderhandler file.
  • Removed obsolete Flash Player Embed player from the 'Combined Stream' renderhandler file.
  • Added default loading of the socialmedia CSS resource file to the 'Simplified Posts' and the 'Combined Stream' renderhandler files.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue with the wrong request variable being checked and set in the socialMediaService component.
  • Resolved an issue with the post moderation ui rendering.
  • Resolved an issue when rebuilding feed cache via a scheduled task.
  • Resolved an HTML encoding issue with the Thumbnail Image link when using the YouTube Player in a Lightbox option.
  • Resolved the issue with the YouTube video player by removing the obsolete Flash Player Embed code to use the YouTube IFrame Player.
  • Resolved HTML encoding issue with the Thumbnail Image when using the 'YouTube Player in a Lightbox' option in the 'Combined Stream' renderhandler file.
  • Resolved issue with un*var'd variables in various functions in several app components.
  • Resolved issues with the Exclude/Include post moderation tools in both the 'Simplified Posts' and 'Combined Stream' renderhandler files.
  • Resolved issue in the getInstagramFeed() function to add the maxPosts argument to Feed data API call.
  • Resoved issue with the YouTube Feed Data not being added to the SocialMedia App Posts cache.