PT Mobile Configuration

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Site Configuration

  • Make sure the ADF is setup and running on the site. If the ADF is not setup, then follow the instructions for ADF Installation.
  • Open the sites 'ADF.cfc' ( See Site Configuration (ADF.cfc) for more info) file in a text editor. Locate the Load the ADF Application into application space comment in the file. Add the following command under the comment section:

Site Setup

  1. Copy the _cs_apps directory from the /ADF/apps/pt_mobile/site-files/ directory into your local _cs_apps directory
  2. Copy the Application.cfc from the /ADF/apps/pt_mobile/site-files/ directory into the base of your site directory

Testing it out

Navigate to your website via a mobile device or add ?mobile=1 to the end of your URL, this forces detection of a mobile device. You should see a mostly blank page that says Hello World on it.