PT Forums Topics Page

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Revision as of 22:46, 27 March 2010 by Gcronkright (talk | contribs)
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Build Templates/Pages


The Forum Topics page is the second level forum listing page.

To construct your Forum Topics page complete the following steps.


  1. Create a CommonSpot page called 'Topics' from the Forums template.
  2. Place the Forum Topics Custom Element on this page.
  3. Click Render Mode in the element interface.
  4. Select Display existing element data (content reuse) on the Rendering Mode tab.
  5. Select the Filter tab.
  6. Select Filter Type to Show subset of records.
  7. Select the field drop-down as the Category Name field.
  8. Select the operator as Equals.
  9. Click the '...' button to open the ColdFusion expression window.
  10. Enter the text request.params.catid as the expression and check the force cache checkbox. Click OK and then check the box to Ignore ColdFusion error, then click OK.
  11. Select the field drop-down as the Topic Active field.
  12. Select the operator as Equals.
  13. Select the operator as Yes.
  14. Select the sort order drop-down as the Topic Name field and Ascending.
  15. Click OK on the render mode window.
  16. Click More in the element interface. Then the Custom Render Handlers menu option, and choose the Default or the Topics Page Render Handler.
  17. Submit the Page.

Update Configuration

Update the ptForums Configuration for the 'FORUM TOPICS URL' field. Edit the row in the datasheet and select the CommonSpot page that was created.

Reset the ADF for the server and site.