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Revision as of 22:38, 20 December 2013

IMPORTANT: v3.2 of this application requires ADF 1.6.2 or greater 


This guide is to upgrade the PT Blog v3.2 application. If upgrading from a lower version than v3.1, please follow the PT Blog Upgrade v3 Guide to validate your installation.

Custom Element Updates

PTBlog2 Configuration

Add the following field to the Blog Configuration tab of the ptBlog2 Configuration element:

  1. a Blog Configuration URL CommonSpot Page URL field
    1. Field Name: blogConfigurationURL
    2. Field Label: Blog Configuration URL
    3. Type: CommonSpot Page URL
    4. Properties:
      1. None

Application Code

  1. Renamed directory "/ADF/apps/pt_blog" to "/ADF/apps/pt_blog_v3_1".
  2. Renamed file "/ADF/apps/pt_blog_v3_1/appBeanConfig.cfm" to "/ADF/apps/pt_blog_v3_1/appBeanConfig.cfm.old".
  3. Downloaded the PT Blog v3.2 and exported into the "/ADF/apps/pt_blog/" directory.

App Configuration Page

After the new blogConfigurationURL field has been added to the PTBlog2 Configuration element and the new App files are in place a Blog Configuration Page will be used to manage the ptBlog2 Configuration custom element.

  1. Create a new page called 'Configuration Manager' in the /webadmin/blogs/ subsite from the webadmin template.
  2. In the main content of the page, add a Custom Script element.
  3. Enter the explicit module path for:
    • /ADF/apps/pt_blog/customcf/manage_configuration_header.cfm
  4. Publish the page.

App Configuration Update

After the new App Configuration page has been created:

  1. Go to the Blog App Configuration Manager and click the "Edit Configuration" button.
  2. When the configuration form opens, go to the Blog Configuration tab, then update the following field with the new value:
    1. Blog Configuration URL:: {browse to your newly created Blog App Configuration page}
  3. Then click "Submit".

Reset the ADF

Reset the ADF for the server and site.

Site Level Customizations Review

This is only for reviewing the site level customizations in the "/_cs_apps/pt_blog/" directory, not in the ADF directory.

  1. Analyze the updated app code compared to the app customization code on your server.
    1. Identify any customizations that you have made to the application code to make sure these are updated with any functionality.
    2. Again, Beyond Compare is a good tool to compare the new and current file to identify the exact lines of code that have been changed.
    3. This is important for components that have customized functions to the site level "/_cs_apps/". The best practice is to identify the function that have been customized and compare with the new app function to identify any updates. A good help is to check the function comment header to see if any updates have been made.
  2. Once completed, Reset the ADF.