OHSU Navigation Upgrade v2.0

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Revision as of 19:23, 12 February 2013 by Mcarroll (talk | contribs)
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This guide is to upgrade the OHSU Navigation v1.0 from v2.1.

For v2.0, the updates are only for code bug fixes. No updates are needed to the CommonSpot custom elements or pages.

ADF Application Code Review

This is only for reviewing the code that is in the "/ADF/apps/" directory, not at the site level.

  1. Download the application from the Community project page.
  2. Unzip the application zip folder.
  3. Analyze the updated app code compared to the current app code on your server.
    1. Identify any customizations that you have made to the application code to make sure these are not overwritten by the app update.
    2. A great tool to use is Beyond Compare to compare the new and current file to identify the exact lines of code that have been changed.
  4. Once this is complete, then move your app customizations into the new app code package.

Application Code

  1. Renamed directory "/ADF/apps/ohsu_nav" to "/ADF/apps/ohsu_nav_v1".
  2. Renamed file "/ADF/apps/ohsu_nav_v1/appBeanConfig.cfm" to "/ADF/apps/ohsu_nav_v1/appBeanConfig.cfm.old".
  3. Move the OHSU Navigation v2.0 app code into the "/ADF/apps/ohsu_nav/" directory.
  4. Reset the ADF.

Site Level Customizations Review

This is only for reviewing the site level customizations in the "/_cs_apps/ohsu_nav/" directory, not in the ADF directory.

  1. Analyze the updated app code compared to the app customization code on your server.
    1. Identify any customizations that you have made to the application code to make sure these are updated with any functionality.
    2. Again, Beyond Compare is a good tool to compare the new and current file to identify the exact lines of code that have been changed.
    3. This is important for components that have customized functions to the site level "/_cs_apps/". The best practice is to identify the function that have been customized and compare with the new app function to identify any updates. A good help is to check the function comment header to see if any updates have been made.
  2. Once completed, Reset the ADF.

Site Configuration

The application uses an XML file to manage the site specific configurations.

The fields for the configuration fields are defined below.

To allow each site to have its own configuration:

  • Locate the /_cs_apps directory in your site. If a /_cs_apps/config/ directory does not exists, then create the directory.
  • Place a file in this directory called "ohsuNav.xml". This file can be found in the /ohsu_nav/site-files/_cs_apps/config/ohsuNav.xml.
  • Verify the tag field data with the descriptions of the tags below.

XML Tags

The following are the tags of the OHSU Nav XML Config file:

  1. registeredURLs - Registered URL settings.
    1. openInNewWindow - Open Registered URLS in a new window (or tab) - adds: target="_blank" to the link.
    2. excludedDomains - Comma delimited list of domains to exclude from the openInNewWindow config option.

Reset the ADF

Reset the ADF for the server and site.