ADF Scripts and CommonSpot Registered Resources

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ADF Theme Error Log Entries

If an ADF or ADF App component, custom script, custom field or datasheet module requests Script Library theme via the scripts.loadTheme() method the requested theme does not exist as a CommonSpot Registered Resource this request will attempt to load a registed DefaultTheme resource or the theme files directly but it will also generate a error log entry describing the problem.

For these error log entries are pretty easy to resolve with a one of the following approaches:

  1. Run the ADF Register ALL Scripts tool.
  2. Manually register the "ui-lightness" theme as a Registered Resource.
  3. If the default theme is registered then add "ui-lightness" as an ALIAS for the Registered Resource.
  4. If a default them is not Registered... create it (with "ui-lightness") as an ALIAS.
    • Resource Tab:
      • Name: jQueryUIDefaultTheme 1.11
      • Description: jQueryUIDefaultTheme resources.
    1. Resource URLs Tab:
      1. Early Loading:
        1. URL: /ADF/thirdParty/jquery/ui/jquery-ui-1.11/css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui.css
        2. Type: Stylesheet
        3. Combine: disabled
        4. Minify: disabled
      2. Description: jQueryUIDefaultTheme resources.
    2. Alias URLs Tab:
      1. Aliases:
        1. ui-lightness
        2. jQueryUIDefaultTheme
        3. jQueryUIstyles