PT Social Media Version 1.2 Upgrade

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This guide is to upgrade the PT Social Media from version 1.0 or 1.1 to version 1.2 of the application.

Application Code

Remember: Please backup your pt_social_media directory and move the backup out
of the ADF/apps directory
  1. Rename the directory "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media" to "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media_v1_0".
  2. Rename the file "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media_v1_0/appBeanConfig.cfm" to "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media_v1_0/appBeanConfig.cfm.old".
  3. Download PT Social Media v1.2 and copy the extracted files into the "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media/" directory.

Custom Element Updates

PTSocialMedia Configuration

Add the following new fields to the General Config tab of the ptSocialMedia Configuration element:

  1. a Select Service Types multi-checkbox field
    1. Type: multicheckbox
    2. Field Name: socialMediaServiceTypes
    3. Field Label: Select Service Types
    4. Required: No
    5. Properties:
      1. Option List Source: Value List
      2. Option List: Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,WordPress
      3. Default Value: Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,WordPress
  2. a Dashboard URL cs_url field
    1. Type: cs_url
    2. Field Name: dashboardURL
    3. Field Label: Dashboard URL
    4. Required: No
  3. a Serivce Manager URL cs_url field
    1. Type: cs_url
    2. Field Name: serviceManagerURL
    3. Field Label: Serivce Manager URL
    4. Required: No
  4. a Configuration Manger URL cs_url field
    1. Type: cs_url
    2. Field Name: configManagerURL
    3. Field Label: Configuration Manager URL
    4. Required: No
  5. a Enable Feed Cache checkbox field
    1. Type: checkbox
    2. Field Name: enableFeedCache
    3. Field Label: Enable Feed Cache
    4. Required: No
    5. Properties:
      1. Value: 1
      2. Checked by default: 0
  6. a Rebuild Feed Cache Interval integer field
    1. Type: integer
    2. Field Name: rebuildFeedCacheInterval
    3. Field Label: Rebuild Feed Cache Interval
    4. Required: No
    5. Properties:
      1. Maxlength: 10
      2. Size: 10

New Features

  1. Social Media Service Feed Data Cache
  2. Social Media Dashboard Admin Page


  1. Follow the v1.2 install guide to build the following admin page:
    1. Admin Pages > Social Media Dashboard Page

Go to the Social Media Feed Cache section on the Getting Started page for more info.