PT Sync Install 1.0

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Revision as of 18:47, 21 December 2011 by Mcarroll (talk | contribs)
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The PT Sync Application is built within the ADF. The ADF must be installed in the site to run the PT Sync, follow the ADF Installation instructions.


Download the PT Sync Application from the Community Site or from the SVN Repository.

Extract the zip files into the following directory: /ADF/apps/pt_sync/

ADF Configuration

  • Make sure the ADF is setup and running on the site. If the ADF is not setup, then follow the instructions for ADF Installation.
  • Open the sites 'ADF.cfc' (See Site Configuration (ADF.cfc) for more info) file (located in your site's /_cs_apps/ directory) in a text editor. Locate the Load the ADF Application into application space comment in the file. Add (or uncomment) the following command under the comment section:
  • Load the PT Sync Application into the source and destination site!
  • Reset the ADF for the server and site.


Only important these elements into the Source Site

Create a new element category called "PT Sync Elements". Import Custom Elements in this order:

  1. Sync Mapping
  2. ptSync Configuration


It is highly recommended that a PT Sync webadmin subsite is created for the administrators. This configuration allows subsite security to be used to allow only Administrators access to the webadmin subsite.

Your site may already have a webadmin subsite. The steps below will add a sync subsite under the webadmin subsite.

Web Admin

  1. Create a new subsite under the site root called webadmin.
  2. Create a new subsite under webadmin called sync.
  3. Configure the /webadmin/sync/ subsite Content Security to give 'No Rights' to 'Anonymous Users' and 'Authenticated Users'.
  4. Configure the /webadmin/sync/ subsite Content Security to give permissions to the group of administrators who will manage the sync application.