PT Social Media

From ADF Docs
Revision as of 15:49, 7 July 2011 by Gcronkright (talk | contribs) (Pre-installation Considerations)
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About the Social Media App

The Social Media application is built using the Application Development Framework (ADF).

  • Important: ADF 1.5 or greater is REQUIRED for this application.


The Social Media application provides a tool to allow your organizations social media live data streams from your Facebook Pages, your Twitter accounts and targeted Twitter keyword searches, your YouTube Channels and your WordPress blog posts to be combined various configurations to be displayed in one or in various strategic locations on your CommonSpot site.


ADF Library components that are required for the Calendar application:

  • CEData_1_1
  • CSData_1_1
  • Data_1_1
  • Date_1_1
  • Form_1_1
  • UI_1_1
  • Scripts_1_1
  • JSON

The ADF 1.5 must be configured correctly for your site. The Site Configuration (ADF.cfc) wiki page has instructions for configuration.


The Social Media application contains the following:

Note: Elements may contain one or more: Render Handlers or Custom Field Types. They do NOT use Display Templates.

Pre-installation Considerations

The ADF must be setup and configured on the server for the site that will be implementing the Social Media application. For detailed instructions follow the ADF Overview wiki page for Site Configurations.

This installation guide assumes that you have no Custom Elements and/or Metadata Forms with the names above. Before the install, remove any Custom Elements/Metadata Forms with the names listed in the "Contents" section above. (If you do not remove existing elements with these names, you may have difficulties during the installation.)


Each of the following steps should be completed fully and in the order presented:

Known Issues/Bugs

Found a bug, view the PT Social Media Issues page. Your issue not on the list? Then post it so the issue can be addressed.