Site Level Component

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Have some code in a CFC that you would like to make accessible to your site? Building a Site Level Component is one of the easiest ways to take advantage of the ADF.

How to Create a Site Level Component

If you have an existing CFC (or a new CFC that you would like to create) with some methods that you would like to use in CommonSpot Element Filters or in Render Handlers, Custom Scripts or CommonSpot Overrides, you can make them accessible by

  • Create a directory called "components" in your sites /_cs_apps/ directory (e.g. /mySite/_cs_apps/)
  • Place your component (CFC) into the newly created components directory
  • Modify the <cfcomponent> to extend "ADF.core.SiteBase"
<cfcomponent extends="ADF.core.SiteBase"> ... {methods} ... </cfocmponent>

Using your Site Level Component

Now that you have loaded your component you can write code as simple as this:

<cfset myData = application.ADF.mySiteLevelComponent.methodName("some value")>