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From ADF Docs
Application Development Framework (ADF) Wiki
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
>== What is the ADF? == The ADF is an Open Source framework that connects into your CommonSpot installation to allow you to develop applications and extend your CommonSpot site easily. The ADF is:
- A set of utilities (e.g. application.ADF.csData.getPageMetadata(pageID) )
- A methodology for developing portable CommonSpot applications
- Programmatic access to more CommonSpot data then ever before
- Easily installable
- Easily upgradeable
- FUN!
<h4>Get a detailed overview of the ADF here</h4>
<div class="float_box fixed"> <h3>Haven't installed yet</h3>
<div class="float_box fixed"> <h3>Installed and ready to go</h3>
<div class="float_box fixed"> <h3>Building Applications and extending</h3>
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