PT Social Media Version 1.2 Upgrade

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Back to PT Social Media

IMPORTANT: ADF 1.5 or greater is REQUIRED for this application.


This guide is to upgrade the PT Social Media from version 1.0 or 1.1 to version 1.2 of the application.

Custom Element Updates

PTSocialMedia Configuration

Add the following new fields to the General Config tab of the ptSocialMedia Configuration element:

  1. a Select Service Types multi-checkbox field
    1. Type: multicheckbox
    2. Field Name: socialMediaServiceTypes
    3. Field Label: Select Service Types
    4. Required: No
    5. Properties:
      1. Option List Source: Value List
      2. Option List: Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,WordPress
      3. Default Value: Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,WordPress
  2. a Dashboard URL cs_url field
    1. Type: cs_url
    2. Field Name: dashboardURL
    3. Field Label: Dashboard URL
    4. Required: No
  3. a Serivce Manager URL cs_url field
    1. Type: cs_url
    2. Field Name: serviceManagerURL
    3. Field Label: Serivce Manager URL
    4. Required: No
  4. a Configuration Manger URL cs_url field
    1. Type: cs_url
    2. Field Name: configManagerURL
    3. Field Label: Configuration Manager URL
    4. Required: No
  5. a Enable Feed Cache checkbox field
    1. Type: checkbox
    2. Field Name: enableFeedCache
    3. Field Label: Enable Feed Cache
    4. Required: No
    5. Properties:
      1. Value: 1
      2. Checked by default: 0
  6. a Rebuild Feed Cache Interval integer field
    1. Type: Number (integer)
    2. Field Name: rebuildFeedCacheInterval
    3. Field Label: Rebuild Feed Cache Interval
    4. Required: No
    5. Properties:
      1. Maxlength: 10
      2. Size: 10
      3. Default Value: 15

Remove the following field to the Facebook API tab of the ptSocialMedia Configuration element:

  1. Field Name: apiFacebookAPIKey

Application Code

Remember: Please backup your pt_social_media directory and move the backup out
of the ADF/apps directory
  1. Rename the directory "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media" to "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media_v1_0".
  2. Rename the file "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media_v1_0/appBeanConfig.cfm" to "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media_v1_0/appBeanConfig.cfm.old".
  3. Download PT Social Media v1.2 and copy the extracted files into the "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media/" directory.

New Features

  1. Social Media Service Feed Data Cache
  2. Social Media Dashboard Admin Page


  1. Follow the v1.2 install guide to build the following admin dashboard page:
    1. Admin Pages > Social Media Dashboard Page

Go to the Social Media Dashboard section on the Getting Started page for more information on usage of this page.