PT Blog Version 2.0 Install

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Revision as of 13:36, 5 April 2010 by Mcarroll (talk | contribs) (Import Custom Elements)
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Download the Blog Application from the Community Site Project or from the SVN Repository.

Extract the zip files into the following directory: /ADF/apps/pt_blog/

Site Configuration

  • Make sure the ADF is setup and running on the site. If the ADF is not setup, then follow the instructions for ADF Site Level ADF Component.
  • Open the sites 'ADF.cfc' file in a text editor. Locate the Load the ADF Application into application space commentin the file. Add the following command under the comment section:

Import Custom Elements

Create a "Blog Elements" category and import all portions of each component in the order listed.

Import Custom Element:

  1. Blog2 (
  2. Comments2 (
  3. Posts2 (
  4. PTBlog2 Configuration (

Import Metadata:

  1. Blogs (

Verify Imports

The imported components' render handlers and custom field types must be verified. During the import process, the render handler and custom field types paths may have been changed to reflect the current site's path.

Review and update these paths to reference the ADF path. In most cases, this will just require to be unlocked and a change in the path from the site name to 'ADF'. Check the paths for the custom field types that were imported with the custom elements by unlocking them and fixing the explicit paths to point to "/ADF/extensions/".

If the custom elements that are imported contain custom field types that are already in the site, the naming convention for the custom field type will be unique. To resolve this, unlock the field types and elements, and reassign the element field type to the pre-existing field type.

Create Add Blog Page

This page will be used to create new Blog Posts in the Blog Administrator. Each Blog will share this Add page.

  1. Create page called "Add Blog"
  2. Place Custom Script on the page
  3. Select the "/ADF/apps/pt_blog/customcf/handle_blog_create.cfm" script (Note: after page reloads a Simple Form Element will Appear
  4. Choose "Select Form" from the Simple Form Element Interface
  5. Choose option 2 (Select Simple Form/Custom Element)
  6. Locate the "Blog Posts" Custom Element and add data for the Action (using the "Specify Results Text" method)
  7. Publish Page

Create Blog Dashboard Page

This page will be used to manage the blog post and comments for each blog. Each Blog will share this Dashboard Page.

  1. Create page called "Blog Dashboard"
  2. Place Custom Script on the page
  3. Select the "/ADF/apps/pt_blog/customcf/blog_dashboard.cfm" script (after page reloads 3 tabs and links to datasheets will appear)

Configure Posts Tab

  1. Click the "Posts" tab
  1. Locate the "Blog" Custom Element and click on the "Render Mode" option in the Element Interface
  2. Choose "Content Reuse" and leave the filter option on "Render results dynamically based on a filter, or display all records."
  3. Click on the "Filter" tab and apply the following filter: Field = BlogID; Operator = "equals"; Value = "request.params.blogID" (note: use the UDE button)
  1. Define a View for the Datasheet Element in this Tab - call it "All Blog Posts"
  2. Leave the View Source as the Default: Form Result/Custom Element Sheet
  3. Select the "Blog Posts" Custom Element and select the following columns: Title, Date Posted, Created By and PageURL (Note: The only required column is "PageURL")
  4. Move the "PageURL" field to the end of the list of columns

Create Blogs Management Page