PT Profile Gallery

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The Profile Gallery element allows a contributor to select profile records to display on a CommonSpot page. The order in which profiles are displayed can be customized.

The following steps are for will import and implement the Profile Gallery element.

Import Custom Element

The Profile Gallery custom element can be found in the Exported Objects directory (/ADF/apps/pt_profile/exported-objects/).

Import the Profile Gallery custom element into the site via the CommonSpot site administrator.

For additional information, view the Profile Gallery Element wiki page.

After import, the imported components' render handlers and custom field types must be verified. During the import process. the render handler and custom field types paths may have been changed to reflect the current sites path.

Review and update these paths to reference the ADF path. In most cases, this will just require a change in the path from the site name to 'ADF'.

How to Use This Element

To use the Profile Gallery element:

  1. Insert the Photo Gallery element into any content area on a page.
  2. Select the element indicator and select data.
  3. In the dialog, you have two boxes on the left and right. The left box contains available items; the right box contains selected items. Drag and drop items from left to right to select; drag and drop from right to left to unselect. The right box selected items can also be sorted for rendering order. To populate the left box of available items, search for text or click the show all items link.
  4. Once the items are selected, click finish.
  5. Finally, assign the Listing Highlighted Display render handler.