PT Blog v3.1 Change Log

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r124 | mcarroll | 2013-05-21 13:23:15 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/3.1/components/App.cfc M /branches/3.1/components/commentsDAO.cfc

Function: commentsDAO.getCommentsByContentID Description: Added param to return only the approved comments.

r123 | mcarroll | 2013-05-21 12:04:34 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/3.1/renderhandlers/blog_post_display.cfm

Updated to add boolean to the "getCommentsByContentID" function.

r122 | mcarroll | 2013-04-30 14:10:53 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/3.1/components/App.cfc M /branches/3.1/appBeanConfig.cfm M /branches/3.1/components/commentsService.cfc

Function: getDashboardData Description: Added "Delete Comment" link into the comment display.

Updated the App Bean Config to include the ui_1_0 library.

r121 | mcarroll | 2013-04-29 16:00:55 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/3.1/appBeanConfig.cfm M /branches/3.1/components/App.cfc

Added "apiKeywords_1_0" into the App Bean Config.

r120 | mcarroll | 2013-04-29 16:00:28 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/3.1/components/App.cfc M /branches/3.1/components/postDAO.cfc

Function: createPost Description: Commented out the unique page name and title function calls. Added call to create the keywords for the page.

Function: saveInfoPost, renamePost Description: Created Functions.

r119 | mcarroll | 2013-04-29 15:58:17 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/3.1/components/postService.cfc M /branches/3.1/components/App.cfc

Function: syncPost Description: Rebuilt the sync process to check if any existing post page exists and update the page metadata and/or rename the page.

Function: createPostPage Description: Updated to use the "buildPageMetadata" function.

Function: saveInfoPostPage, renamePostPage, buildPageMetadata Description: Created functions.

r118 | mcarroll | 2013-04-26 15:05:32 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/3.1/renderhandlers/blog_posts_rss_feed.cfm M /branches/3.1/components/postDAO.cfc M /branches/3.1/components/postService.cfc M /branches/3.1/components/commentsService.cfc M /branches/3.1/components/blogService.cfc M /branches/3.1/components/App.cfc M /branches/3.1/datasheet-modules/blog_edit_delete.cfm

Replaced any reference to "application.ADF" with "application.ptBlog2".

r117 | mcarroll | 2013-04-26 15:01:25 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/3.1/appBeanConfig.cfm M /branches/3.1/components/App.cfc

Rolled back CEData to v1.1 for issue with the "formid" field in the Comments2 element.

r116 | mcarroll | 2013-04-26 15:00:48 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/3.1/renderhandlers/blog_post_display.cfm M /branches/3.1/renderhandlers/blog_post_short.cfm

Added check to validate that the metadata form field exists.

r115 | mcarroll | 2013-03-15 14:05:00 EDT Changed paths: A /branches/3.1

Created development branch v3.1.