Forms 1 0

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Attention: Do not change any text in the description, properties, and functions sections.

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Form functions for the ADF Library


dependency = ceData_1_0
version = 1_0_0
wikiTitle = Forms_1_0
dependency = scripts_1_0
type = transient


addToSimpleForm ( struct fieldData )
closeLBAndRefresh ( )
extractFromSimpleForm ( struct formStruct, String fieldList )
getCEFieldNameData ( string ceName )
Returns structure of the simple form field names for the CE fields.
renderAddEditForm ( numeric formID, numeric dataPageId, string lbAction, string customizedFinalHtml, boolean renderResult )
Returns the HTML for an Add/Edit Custom element record
renderDeleteForm ( numeric formID, numeric dataPageID )
Renders the standard datasheet delete module