PT Multimedia Site Configuration

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The Multimedia App uses a custom element to store site specific configurations. The Multimedia App needs to know the upload URL, pop-up player URL, etc for the site.

If you are installing the Multimedia application, there is no need to do anything with this element at this time. This element will be configured in a later step.

The fields for the Multimedia Configuration custom element are defined below.

Configuration Fields

There are six major components to the configuration:

  1. UPLOAD_PATH – Directory where media is uploaded. (Example: C:/wwwroot/mysite/mediauploads/)
  2. UPLOAD _FILE_TYPES – Supported multimedia files. (Example: mp3,flv,mp4)
  3. MAXFILESIZE – Selection list limiting maximum upload size.
  4. UPLOAD_URL – URL Path on the server to store uploaded media. (Example: /mediauploads)
  5. ADD_URL - URL to the location of the media add page. (Example: /mysite/lightbox/multimedia/Media-Add.cfm)
  6. UPLOADMEDIAFORM – URL to the location of the handle media upload page. (Example: / mysite /lightbox/multimedia/handle-media-upload.cfm)
  7. POPUPPLAYERURL - URL to the location of the lightbox player page. (Example: /mysite /lightbox/multimedia/popUpPlayer.cfm)
  8. SEARCHRESULTS - URL to the location of the “All Media” display results page. (Example: / mysite /Multimedia-Search-Results.cfm )