PT Calendar2 Calendar Template

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The Calendar template will be used as the foundation to render calendar pages. This template will be used for the "All Event" Monthly Calendar View.

If your site well need additional calendar views with events filtered by "Event Organization" then also follow the steps in the Event Organization Template(s) section.


  1. Create a CommonSpot page called 'Calendar' from the Base Plus One template. (The subsite for this is not critical but it may be a good idea to create a subsite called calendar.)
  2. Place the Calendar Custom Element on this page.
  3. Click Render Mode in the element interface.
  4. Select Display existing element data (content reuse) on the Rendering Mode tab.
  5. Select the Filter tab.
  6. Select Filter Type to Show subset of records.
  7. Select the field drop-down as the uniqueID field.