Load ADF Components into Site

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Load ADF Library Components into a Site

Loading the ADF Library components into the site is controlled in the Site Configuration.

ADF Library components are automatically loaded into the sites application.ADF scope

Following are instructions to load the ADF library components into a sites application.ADF scope:

  1. Open the ADF.cfc in the sites "_cs_apps" directory.
  2. Locate the Define the ADF components... section at the top of the file.
  3. Set an application.ADF structure to the ADF library component with the structure key as the short name for the component (name without the version numbers).
  4. Here is a sample for adding the Scripts_1_0 ADF library component into the application.ADF.scripts variable:
 application.ADF["scripts"] = server.ADF.objectFactory.getBean("scripts_1_0");

The scripts component is now accessible via application scope for the site.


See the Site Configuration - Library Components wiki page for more details.

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