PT Calendar2 Site Configuration

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Back to PT Calendar Version 2.0 Install


The Calendar App uses a custom element to store site specific configurations.

The fields for the ptCalendar2 Configuration custom element are defined below.

Configuration Fields

There are several Configuration Fields:

  1. CS USERS DSN - Where the Calendar will get the Users info for event category notifications. (Example: commonspot-users)
  2. Calendar UI Theme - The Calendar app utilizes jQueryUI Themes for styling of buttons, etc. There are some pre-installed themes that come with the ADF in the Thirdparty folder.
  3. Calendar App Use Event Tooltip - The Calendar app utilizes jQuery qTip for event detail tooltips. (Default: Yes)
  4. Calendar App ToolTip Theme - If using event detail tooltips, select one of the 6 pre-packed themes. (Default: Cream)
  5. Manage Event New URL - Site relative URL for adding new events via a lightbox page.(Example: /webadmin/lightbox/calendar/manage-add-new-event.cfm)
  6. Manage Event Copy URL - Site relative URL for copying new events via a lightbox page.(Example: /webadmin/lightbox/calendar/manage-copy-new-event.cfm)
  7. New Event URL - Site relative URL for a public facing form page for submitting a new Event requests. (Example: /new-event-form.cfm)
  8. Event Notification From Address - The 'From' email address of the notification email sent to event category users
  9. Event Notification Email Subject - The subject of the notification email sent to event category users
  10. Event Notification Email Message - The standard message for the notification email sent to event category users
  11. Calendar Small Grid Cell Width - (Default: 30)
  12. Calendar Small Grid Cell Height - (Default: 24)
  13. Calendar Large Grid Cell Width - (Default: 130)
  14. Calendar Large Grid Cell Height - (Default: 150)