PT Sync Upgrade 1.1

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This guide is to upgrade the PT Sync v1.0 application.

Custom Element Updates

PTBlog2 Configuration

Create the following new tab:

  1. Complex Fields:
    1. Display Name: Complex Fields
    2. Sort Name: 4-complex-fields

Add the following new fields:

  1. Name: complexImage
    1. In the "Complex Fields" tab
    2. Type: Select
      1. Option Source List = Value List
      2. Option List = Text Field with Image Path to Source Site
      3. Select Option = Yes
    3. Label: Image Field
    4. Description: When synchronizing elements with the Image field, select the option for handling this field type on the destination site.
      1. Text Field with Image Path to Source Site - Stores a text field on the destination custom element with the image path to the source site. Requires the destination custom element Image fields be changed to the Text fields.
  2. Name: complexDocument
    1. In the "Complex Fields" tab
    2. Type: Select
      1. Option Source List = Value List
      2. Option List = Text Field with URL Path to Source Site
      3. Select Option = Yes
    3. Label: Document Field
    4. Description: When synchronizing elements with the CS Page URL field, select the option for handling this field type on the destination site.
      1. Text Field with URL Path to Source Site - Stores a text field on the destination custom element with the page or document URL path to the source site. Requires the destination custom element CS Page URL fields be changed to the Text fields.