Taxonomy 1 0-getCSTaxObj
Attention: Do not change any text in the description, signature, and paramter sections.
Return to Taxonomy_1_0
Returns the taxonomy object for a given taxonomy name
public any <strong>getCSTaxObj</strong> ( string taxName )
<table id="lib-params"> <tr class="header"> <td>Required</td> <td>Name</td> <td>Type</td> <td>Description</td> </tr>
<td class="required">required</td>
<td>taxName</td> <td>string</td> <td></td> </tr>
Using the getCSTaxObj function is simple and straight forward. Making a call to this method will return a component which contains all of the Taxonomy API calls available in the CommonSpot Taxonomy.
CE Data calls return Taxonomy Term ID
If you have Taxonomy fields inside your Custom Element and you make calls to get data for that custom Element using CEData, the Taxonomy fields will return term ID's. You can convert those term ID's using code like this: <source lang="cfm">
<cfscript> // custom element data data = application.ADF.ceData.getCEData("My Element"); // returns taxonomy object taxObj = application.ADF.taxonomy.getCSTaxObj("My Taxonomy"); </cfscript>
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(data)#" index="itm"> <!---// renders the term name instead of the term id ---> <cfoutput>#taxObj.getTermName(data[itm].values.myTaxField)#</cfoutput> </cfloop>