CEData 1 0-getCEData
Attention: Do not change any text in the description, signature, and paramter sections.
Return to CEData_1_0
Returns array of structs for all data matching the Custom Element.
public array getCEData ( string customElementName, string customElementFieldName, any item, string queryType, string searchValues, string searchFields )
Required | Name | Type | Description |
required | customElementName | string | |
optional | customElementFieldName | string | [Default: ] |
item | any | [Default: ] | |
queryType | string | [Default: selected] | |
searchValues | string | [Default: ] | |
searchFields | string | [Default: ] |
The getCEDdata function is handy way to get data out of a CommonSpot Custom Element. Making a call to this method will return the data as an Array of Structures for the element specified.
Example 1: Use getCEData to return ALL records in a Custom Element:
// get data from the "My Element" custom element
data = application.ADF.ceData.getCEData(
customElementName="My Element"
<!---// loop over results (will be all records from the Custom Element) --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(data)#" index="itm">
<!---// renders data from the uniqueID and Title fields from the element --->
<cfoutput>#data[itm].values.uniqueID# #data[itm].values.Title#</cfoutput>
Example 2: Use getCEData to return only the records that match the provided value for a specific field:
// get data from the "My Element" custom element by a uniqueID value
data = application.ADF.ceData.getCEData(
customElementName="My Element",
<!---// loop over results (will only be records that matched the criteria) --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(data)#" index="itm">
<!---// renders data from the uniqueID and Title fields from the element --->
<cfoutput>#data[itm].values.uniqueID# #data[itm].values.Title#</cfoutput>
Example 3a: Use getCEData(queryType='searchInList') to return the records that match the provided value with any of the items stored in a list as the value of the specified CE field:
A example of two records stored in the "My Element" custom element:
Record 1:
uniqueID: DF6D9B32-1143-FF53-952805B368AB301B
csPageID: 2011,3010,4808,1660,3710
Record 2:
uniqueID: 122FFB4E-C95E-77C1-D217186D857F2228
csPageID: 2011,3010,1660,3710
From the example data above, this will only return Record 1
// get data from the "My Element" custom element
data = application.ADF.ceData.getCEData(
customElementName="My Element",
<!---// loop over results --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(data)#" index="itm">
<!---// renders data from the uniqueID from the element --->
Example 3b: Use getCEData(queryType='searchInList') to return the records that match the any of the provided values from a list with any of the items stored in a list as the value of the specified CE field:
A example of three records stored in the "My Element" custom element:
Record 1:
uniqueID: DF6D9B32-1143-FF53-952805B368AB301B
csPageID: 2011,3010,4808,1660,3210
Record 2:
uniqueID: 122FFB4E-C95E-77C1-D217186D857F2228
csPageID: 2011,3010,1660,3210
Record 3:
uniqueID: 1BC95CDE-DFBC-047C-2011FC37BE5F6A22
csPageID: 2011,3010,3780,1660,9884
From the example data above, this will return Record 1 and Record 3
// get data from the "My Element" custom element
data = application.ADF.ceData.getCEData(
customElementName="My Element",
<!---// loop over results (will only be records that matched the criteria) --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(data)#" index="itm">
<!---// renders data from the uniqueID --->