PT Calendar2 Manage Events

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Revision as of 18:51, 7 September 2010 by Rkahn (talk | contribs)
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The Calendar element is a global custom element. Data for global custom elements can be easily managed with Datasheets. The following sections describe how to configure a simple management page.


  1. Create a new page called 'Manage Events' from the Base Plus One (or a Web Admin template) and in the /webadmin/calendar/ subsite.
  2. In the main content of the page, add a Custom Script element.
  3. From the Custom Script element interface, click the "Edit" icon.
  4. Enter the following text into the Explicit Module path:
    1. /ADF/apps/pt_Calendar2/customcf/manage_events_header.cfm
  5. From the Datasheet element interface, click the "Datasheet" icon.
  6. From the "Datasheet Views" dialog, follow the "Click here to create a new datasheet view" link.
  7. Enter the following information and then click "Next":
    1. Name: All Calendar Events View
    2. Private: unchecked
    3. Default View: checked
    4. Description: View to manage the All Calendar Events
    5. Datasheet Source: Form Result/Custom Element Sheet
  8. From the Datasheet Source dialog choose the "Calendar2" custom element and click "Next".
  9. From the Datasheet Columns Dialog select the columns UNIQUEID, EVENTDATE, TITLE, ORGANIZATION, CATEGORY and EVENTAPPROVED from the Available Columns list and move them to the Selected Columns list and then click "Finish".
  10. You will be brought to the Datasheet View page; click "Close" to return to your page.
  11. You will see the datasheet element on this page now. Click the Datasheet element interface icon again and this time choose "Edit Columns".
  12. Within the Datasheet View Column Properties dialog choose the UNIQUEID column and click "edit":
    1. In the Render Handler field, select the Change button. Enter the following value into the Explicit Module text box:
      1. /ADF/apps/pt_calendar2/datasheet-modules/manage-convert-id-eventtools.cfm
    2. Click Finish.
    3. In the Header field, switch the text to 'TOOLS'
    4. Click Finish
  13. Now within the Datasheet View Column Properties dialog choose the ORGANIZATION column and click "edit":
    1. In the Render Handler field, select the Change button. Enter the following value into the Explicit Module text box:
      1. /ADF/apps/pt_calendar2/datasheet-modules/manage-convert-coma-list-br-stacked-items.cfm
    2. Click Finish.
    3. In the Header field, switch the text to 'ORGANIZATIONS'
    4. Click Finish
  14. Now within the Datasheet View Column Properties dialog choose the CATEGORY column and click "edit":
    1. In the Render Handler field, select the Change button. Enter the following value into the Explicit Module text box:
      1. /ADF/apps/pt_calendar2/datasheet-modules/manage-convert-coma-list-br-stacked-items.cfm
    2. Click Finish.
    3. In the Header field, switch the text to 'CATEGORIES'
    4. Click Finish
  15. Close the Edit Column window.
  16. Now go back to the Datasheet, select the Layout button
    1. Uncheck the "Allow JavaScript data sorting" checkbox
    2. Click save
  17. Submit this page.