Scripts 1 0-loadCFJS

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Loads the CFJS jQuery Plug-in Headers if not loaded.


public void loadCFJS ( string version )


Required Name Type Description
optional version string [Default: 1.1.9] CFJS version to load.


CFJS is a jquery plugin written by [Christopher Jordan] that contains a library of "ColdFusion style" functions (ie. ArrayLen(), GetListAt() and ListFindNoCase(), etc.) for use in jQuery/JavaScript code.


Add the loadCFJS() headers to the top of your custom script page:

     // load jQuery headers
     // load jQuery CFJS headers

With your jQuery functions call the CFJS library:

	// define a list
        var numStrList = "One,Two,Three,Four,Five";

        // use CFJS to get the value of the item at position 3 of the list
	var numStrText = jQuery.ListGetAt(numStrList,3,','); // list,position,delimiter

        // display the value of the numStrText variable 
	alert(numStrText); // displays the string 'Three'
        // use CFJS to find the position of the string 'Four' from the list
        var strPos = jQuery.ListFindNoCase(numStrList,'Four',',');

        // Display the position of the string
	alert(strPos); // Displays the value 4


CFJS Function listing: -- Chris Jordan's Blog

Quick reference site for CF functions and function parameters: --