PT Portlet Add Pod Wizard

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The Add Pod Wizard consists of two lightbox pages that portlet users use to configure new pods or select pre-configured pods and add them to their customized page.

Follow these steps to build the Add Pod Wizard.


  1. Create a new page called 'AddPodWizard' from the Lightbox Template and in the /lightbox/portlet/ subsite.
  2. In the main content of the page place a Custom Script element.
  3. From the Custom Script element interface, click the "Edit" icon.
  4. Enter the following text into the Explicit Module path:
    1. /ADF/apps/pt_Portlet/customcf/wizard_pod_types_select.cfm.
  5. Next, create another new page called 'AddPodWizard2' from the Lightbox Template and in the /lightbox/portlet/ subsite.
  6. In the main content of this page place a Custom Script element.
  7. From the Custom Script element interface, click the "Edit" icon.
  8. Enter the following text into the Explicit Module path:
    1. /ADF/apps/pt_portlet/customcf/wizard_pod_types_configure.cfm.
  9. From the list below "Configure Portlet Pod Type Forms:" configure each of the Pod Types that will will user configurable.
  10. Repeat the steps below for each Pod Type form:
    1. Click one of the Pod Type Form links and then the Simple Form indicator will appear below the Pod Type list
    2. From the Simple Form element interface icons choose the "Select Form" icon.
    3. In the Create/Select Simple Form dialog choose the option to "Select Simple Form/Custom Element" option and click "next".
    4. From the "Select Form/Custom Element" dialog choose a pod type custom element (Weather, Simple Content, RSS Feed, Links or Custom_File) for the Pod Type Form link selected above and click "Finish".
    5. Within the "Manage Simple Form Element" dialog, enter the following information:
      1. Name: (leave as is)
      2. Email Notification Recipients: (If you would like to receive an e-mail whenever an event is added place your e-mail in here. This is optional)
      3. Sender's Email Address: leave checked
      4. Anonymous Sender's Email Address: (add in an anonymous email address if needed)
      5. Form Action: choose "Display Textblock on Submission" option and add 'Building Pod...' text in the RTE.
      6. Click Finish
    6. Click Finish again.