PT Photo Gallery CS Image Gallery
A hook into the CS Image Gallery has been built using the CCAPI. The Photo Element contains two fields that provide a feature to store the Image Gallery Page ID for the photo.
When creating a new photo record, the user has a checkbox option to Include Photo in Image Gallery. If this field is checked, on form submission the photo is uploaded into the Image Gallery using the CCAPI process. The Image Gallery page ID is stored back into the photo element in the Image Gallery PageID hidden field.
The two fields work in conjunction and both fields are needed to enable this process.
Below are instructions for configuring the two fields and also steps to remove the fields from the photo element.
- The first required field type to be in the photo element is the Photo Upload. This field type has a special property field named Include Image Gallery Field Name. This defines the field ID value for the field that renders the Include Photo in Image Gallery field. Enter the value includeImageGallery into the Include Image Gallery Field Name property field.
- The second required field type is the Photo Image Gallery Checkbox Field. This field type has a few properties that need to be defined.
- The Field Name property is the field ID value, this much match the above entry into the Include Image Gallery Field Name property field. Enter includeImageGallery for this property field.
- The Field Display Type and Default Field Value define the display and default fields for rendering. These can be set in your way.
- The Image Gallery PageID Field Name property field defines the field ID value for the field to store the Image Gallery Page ID for the photo. Enter the value imgGalleryPageID into this field.
- The third required field type is the Hidden Field with Name, this field will store the Image Gallery Page ID. This field type has a single property to assign a name to hidden field. Enter the value imgGalleryPageID into the property field.
Removing Fields
Note: Removing these fields will delete any data for the fields within the custom element. You will not be able to retrieve the data once the field is deleted.
- Delete the Image Gallery PageID Field Name field type.
- Delete the Photo Image Gallery Checkbox Field field type.
- Edit the properties in the Photo Upload field type. Remove the value in the 'Include Image Gallery Field Name property field.