CCAPI Conduit Page Pool
New functionality for the ADF 1.8.0 release has been added to enhance the performance of creating and updating Global Custom Element records via the CCAPI. These enhancements will also help streamline the manual CCAPI setup and configuration when using ADF library methods to programmatically populate Global Custom Elements.
Traditionally, when using the CCAPI to populate the Global Custom Elements, each element would be placed on a single “CCAPI Conduit Page” or in some cases one “CCAPI Conduit Page” would be created for each installed ADF App. This single page (or set of pages) would all use a single CommonSpot user. Also, each element placed on these pages would need to be manually assigned a unique “Name” (a Named Element Instance) via the CommonSpot UI. When simultaneous CCAPI requests were made by multiple users these requests would need to “stand in line” and wait while each request was processed in order.
The new CCAPI API Conduit Page Pool is made up of a group of multiple pages. These Conduit Pages no longer need to be configured with “Named” Elements. The are just blank Conduit Pages whose CommonSpot Page IDs are added to the “Pool”. When simultaneous ADF wrappered CCAPI calls are made these pages are requested, used and then released back into the pool in a round-robin fashion and are not specific to any specific App or Global Custom Element.
[hide]Setup the CCAPI Conduit Page Pool
Create multiple pages in a subsite in your site to be used as the CCAPI Conduit Page Pool. You can have just one page in your pool but we recommend starting with around 3 to 5 pages. More pages can be added to your Conduit Page Pool as needed.
- Create a subsite for your Conduit Page Pool
- For this example we will create a subsite in the “webadmin” subsite called: “ccapi-page-pool”
- Only contributor users can access our “webadmin” subsite so our new subsite will inherit those permissions.
- Create one new CommonSpot Page in the “ccapi-page-pool” Subsite using the “Blank Layout Template”.
- For this example we will create a page called “ccapiPoolPage1”.
- Also, disable the “Include in: Page Indexes and Full Text and Search Element Results” options in this new page’s “Standard Properties”.
- Activate the new “ccapiPoolPage1” page.
- Find and Record the page ID of the new CommonSpot Page, we will need this value later.
- Copy this newly created page and repeat steps 2-4 for the number of Conduit Pages desired.
- Remember to give each new page a unique name.
- For this example we incremented each new page name with a number by one:
- ccapiPoolPage2
- ccapiPoolPage3
- etc.
- These pages must be “Activated”.
- You must exit out of “Edit Mode” for each page in the pool.
- Using the Out-of-the Box CommonSpot “Blank Layout Template” will help to enhance the performance of CCAPI populateCustomElement calls.
- Pages that contain Local Custom Elements CAN NOT be configured to use the CCAPI Conduit Page Pool
Create CCAPI Conduit Page Users
Each CCAPI Conduit Page needs its own CommonSpot Contributor user. Since in CommonSpot a single contributor can only be logged in to author/edit a single page at a time the CCAPI Conduit Page Pool needs a contributor user account for each Pool Page.
- Log in to the CommonSpot User Administrator.
- Create a new CommonSpot user.
- For this example we created: ccapiUser1
- Set the new user to be a “Dedicated Contributor”.
- Assign this user to a Group that will have the permissions needed to access it’s Conduit Pool Page.
- Repeat steps 2-4 for the number of the Conduit Pages configured above.
Setup a new CCAPI site configuration file
An example 'ccapi.cfm' configuration file can be found in your ADF folder: "/ADF/lib/ccapi/ccapi.cfm"
- Under the root of your site root locate the '/_cs_apps/config/' directory. If this directory does not exist, create it.
- If a “ccapi.cfm” file exists skip to Step 4.
- If no “ccapi.cfm” file exists, copy the example “ccapi.cfm” from “/ADF/lib/ccapi/ccapi.cfm" into your '/_cs_apps/config/' directory.
- Open the “ccapi.cfm” file in a text editor or a CFML IDE.
Configure the Settings for the Pages in the Conduit Page Pool
- Update the <gceConduitPagePool> XML block
- Set the Global Request Timeout value
- Default: 30 seconds
- The length of time a request will wait for a page to become available from the page pool before it gives up. (Each element can have its own timeout value.)
- Child node: <globalTimeout>30</globalTimeout>
- Set the Request Wait Time value
- Default: 200 milliseconds
- The length of time in milliseconds each request will wait before it tries again to request an available page from the page pool.
- Child node: <requestWaitTime>200</requestWaitTime>
- Enable/Disable Conduit Page Pool Request Logging: (0/1)
- Default: 1
- A boolean value: 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled
- Child node: <logging>1</logging>
- Configure the conduit page nodes
- A set of nodes for the pages configured in the pool
- Child node: <conduitPages>
Configure Pages for use in the Conduit Page Pool
- Update the <conduitPages> XML block
- Add <page##> nodes for each of the Conduit Pages you created above
<page1> <pageid>2001</pageid> <csuserid>ccapiUser1</csuserid> <cspassword>password</cspassword> </page1>
- Update the <page##> node with a unique number value
- Set the pageid for the page
- Use the pageID from the multiple ccapi conduit pages created above
- Child Node: <pageid>
- Set the csuserid for the page
- Child Node: <csuserid>
- Set the cspassword for the page
- Child Node: <cspassword>
- Optional Setting: Instead of <pageid> use <pageURL> and use the relative URL for the page for the value. (eg. /webadmin/ccapi-page-pool/ccapiPoolPage1.cfm)
- Repeat steps 2-6 for each of the Conduit Pages configured above.