PT Photo Gallery Getting Started
Guide to setup the photo sizes and categories.
Photo Sizes
The Photo Size element is used to generate a collection of possible photo sizes, create new records from the simple form on the 'Size' tab.
The following is a list of the fields and descriptions:
- Title - Display name for the size (i.e. 'Large', 'Medium', 'Small', etc.)
- Directory - Name of the storage directory on the server.
- Width - Pixel size for the photo width.
- Height - Pixel size for the photo height.
- Type - Used to categorize the photo sizes (i.e. 'Portrait', 'Landscape')
Photo Categories
The Photo Category element is used to associate a collection of photo sizes together. A category is assigned to an uploaded photo and defines the photo requirements and resizing dimensions.
The following is a list of the fields and descriptions:
- Title - Display name for the category (i.e. 'General', 'Profile', 'News')
- Directory - Name of the storage directory on the server.
- Required Size ID List - Photo Size selection for the required upload photo dimensions.
- Resize Size ID List - Photo size selection for the resizing dimensions of the uploaded photo.
Photo Element
The Photo element is used to upload the photo and perform the resizing associated to the photo category assigned.
The following is a list of the fields and descriptions:
- Title - Title for the photo.
- Caption - Caption for the photo.
- Abstract - Abstract description for the photo.
- Photo - Upload photo field.
- Category - Selection list of the category for the photo.
- Include Photo In Image Gallery - Checkbox for the photo to be uploaded into the CommonSpot Image Gallery.
Confirm the field properties for the Photo Element. Go to the CommonSpot Administrator and unlock the "Photo" element. Once unlocked, open the 'Field Definitions' for the element. Select the 'Photo' field and go to the 'Other Properties' tab. On this form, set the correct Document Path and Document URL field values.