PT Portlet Site Configuration
From ADF Docs
Revision as of 12:51, 14 April 2010 by Gcronkright (talk | contribs) (Created page with '== Overview == The Portlet App uses a custom element to store site specific configurations. The fields for the ptPortlet Configuration custom element are defined below. == Co…')
The Portlet App uses a custom element to store site specific configurations.
The fields for the ptPortlet Configuration custom element are defined below.
Configuration Fields
There are several Configuration Fields:
- Portlet UI Theme - The Portlet app utilizes jQueryUI Themes for styling of buttons, etc. There are some pre-installed themes that come with the ADF in the Thirdparty folder.
- ADD POD WIZARD URL - Site relative URL for the Add Pod Wizard page. (Example: /webadmin/portletadmin/lightbox/AddPodWizard.cfm)
- ADD POD WIZARD STEP2 URL - Site relative URL for the Add Pod Wizard Step 2 page. (Example: /webadmin/portletadmin/lightbox/AddPodWizard2.cfm)
- ADD POD WIZARD TYPE EXCLUDE LIST - A comma-delimited list of Pod Types that should not be offered to user in the Add Pod Wizard. (Example: Links,Simple_Content,Custom_File)
- POD TYPE WEATHER RSS URL - An RSS Weather Feed URL minus the Zip Code. Zip Code provided by user during Pod configuration. (Example: )
- POD TYPE RSS FEED ALLOWED HTML LIST - HTML Tags that should not be removed from RSS feeds. (Example: em,strong,b,i,br,table,tbody,thead,tfoot,tr,td,div,span,hr,li,ul,ol,a,u)
- POD TYPE CUSTOM FILE URL - Site relative URL for the directory where Pod Custom Files are stored. Should be .cfm files. (Example: /ADF/apps/pt_portlet/customcf/pod_custom_files/)