PT Calendar Version 2.1 Release Notes
From ADF Docs
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We are proud to release v2.1 to the Community.
Version 2.1 contains minor enhancements and bug fixes related to v2.0.
If installing the Calendar app for the first time, please follow the v2.0 Install Guide.
If upgrading from v2.0, please follow the v2.1 Upgrade Guide.
Also, due to architecture changes contained in the v2.x versions of the Calendar app there is NOT an upgrade path from previous versions prior to v2.0. Please install PT Calendar v2.1 as a fresh install using the v2.0 Install Guide.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue with the Event Tools datasheet module
- Minor updates to the CS Users General Chooser configuration
SVN Change Log
For detailed SVN repository updates for the v2.1, please see the PT Calendar v2.1 Change Log.