PT Photo Gallery Version 2.1 Upgrade
From ADF Docs
This guide is to upgrade the PT Photo Gallery v2.1 from v2.0. If you are updating from a version earlier than v2.0, please follow the v2.0 Upgrade Guide before upgrading.
Application Code
- Renamed directory "/ADF/apps/pt_photo_gallery" to "/ADF/apps/pt_photo_gallery_v2".
- Renamed file "/ADF/apps/pt_photo_gallery_v2/appBeanConfig.cfm" to "/ADF/apps/pt_photo_gallery_v2/appBeanConfig.cfm.old".
- Downloaded the PT Photo Gallery v2.1 and exported into the "/ADF/apps/pt_photo_gallery/" directory.
- Reset the ADF.
Custom Field Types
Photo Upload Link
- In the site administration, check if you have the "Photo Upload Link" field registered.
- If yes, then identify the custom element using the field. Open the field definition properties dialog and save.
- If no, then no further steps need to be taken.
Custom Element Updates
Photo Gallery
Add the following new fields:
- Name: photoGalleryID
- Type: Hidden
- Default Value: ColdFusion Expression: {createUUID()}
Photo Category
- Edit the field defintion properties for the "reqSizeIDList" field.
- If running the ADF v1.5.2 or greater, edit the "Load All Available Selections" property field.
- Set the value to "true".
- If running the ADF v1.5.2 or greater, edit the "Load All Available Selections" property field.
- Edit the field defintion properties for the "resizeSizeIDList" field.
- If running the ADF v1.5.2 or greater, edit the "Load All Available Selections" property field.
- Set the value to "true".
- If running the ADF v1.5.2 or greater, edit the "Load All Available Selections" property field.
PtPhotoGallery Configuration
Add the following new fields:
- In the "Features" tab.
- Type: Text
- Description: File extension for the uploaded file. This allows all the uploaded files to be the same file extension.
- Default Value: png
Configuration Manager
- Navigate to the "Configuration Manager" page for the Photo Gallery app. Edit and save the configuration record.
- Modify the field for the DESTINATION DOC TYPE is desired.
Reset the ADF! Then enjoy the new updates.