PT Multimedia Import
Create Custom Category
- Go to Site Administration
- Expand "Elements and Forms"
- Click Elements
- Select Manage Categories
- "Add New Category"
- Name the category: "Multimedia Elements"
Import Custom Elements in this order:
- Multimedia Category (Multimedia-Category
- Multimedia Category Gallery (Multimedia-Category –
- Multimedia (Multimedia-
- Multimedia Series (Multimedia-Series
- Multimedia Series Gallery (Multimedia-Series
- Multimedia Configuration (PT Multimedia
Import Metadata form:
- Multimedia Display Format (MultimediaDisplayFormat
- Bind this form to the following Multimedia Render Handler
- Multimedia
- Multimedia Search Results
- Bind this form to the following Multimedia Render Handler
Import Custom fields:
- Import media host select custom field (
- import media type select custom field (
Verify Imports
The imported components' render handlers and custom field types must be verified. During the import process, the render handler and custom field types paths may have been changed to reflect the current site's path.
Review and update these paths to reference the ADF path. In most cases, this will just require the imported item to be unlocked and a change in the path from the site name to 'ADF'. Check the paths for the custom field types that were imported with the custom elements by unlocking them and fixing the explicit paths to point to "/ADF/apps/ptMultimedia/customfields /".
If the custom elements that are imported contain custom field types that are already in the site, the naming convention for the custom field type will be unique. To resolve this, unlock the field types and elements, and reassign the element field type to the pre-existing field type.
Example: The Multimedia custom element contains two uses of the General Chooser field type, if the General Chooser field type is already installed on the site then the import process will attempt to import another General Chooser but with a new name such as "General Chooser_import_1250003208472." To resolve this issue, open the custom element and assign the field type (General Chooser_import_1250003208472) to the field type with the simple name General Chooser. Note that when you assign the existing general chooser you will need to click on the "properties" tab and enter "mediaCategoryGC" as the bean name. After reassigning the field type, delete the new imported field from the list of custom field types.