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(Custom Field Types)
(Custom Field Types)
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     ORDER BY FormControl.FormName, FormInputControl.Type
     ORDER BY FormControl.FormName, FormInputControl.Type
Repeat the same process of updating these ADF application custom field types to modify the scripts loadJQuery function call to add the "noconflict" argument:
Repeat the same process of updating the other ADF application custom field types to modify the scripts loadJQuery function call to add the "noconflict" argument.
== Upgrade ==
== Upgrade ==

Latest revision as of 18:28, 10 October 2014

Current Version

Follow the guide below if you are upgrading to ADF v1.5.1 from v1.5 only.

If you are upgrading from ADF v1.0, then please follow the 1.5 Upgrade Guide and upgrade to v1.5.0.

Pre-Upgrade Steps

Custom Field Types

A major change with the ADF v1.5.1 is the JQuery No-Conflict Mode bug fix (see the Release Notes for more details, section "Important Updates > JQuery No-Conflict Mode"). This will require that all the registered custom field types that are loading JQuery from the ADF Scripts need to have the "noconflict" argument.

To make this update locate all your site custom field type property files with the following query:

   SELECT     DISTINCT FormInputControlMap.FieldID, 
   FROM       FormInputControl INNER JOIN FormInputControlMap 
                 ON FormInputControl.ID = FormInputControlMap.FieldID INNER JOIN FormControl
                 ON FormInputControlMap.FormID = FormControl.ID INNER JOIN CustomFieldTypes 
                 ON FormInputControl.Type = CustomFieldTypes.Type
   WHERE    (CustomFieldTypes.PropertyModule NOT LIKE '/ADF/%')
   ORDER BY FormControl.FormName, FormInputControl.Type

This query will return the registered custom field type and property file locations within your site.

Go to the return query and identify the custom field types property files and identify the property files that are loading JQuery through the ADF Scripts function. Modify the function call to add the "noconflict" argument:


Repeat this same process for any ADF applications that are running within the site that have not been updated to the latest versions.

Run the following query to identify the ADF application custom field types that are registered within your CommonSpot site:

   SELECT     DISTINCT FormInputControlMap.FieldID, 
   FROM       FormInputControl INNER JOIN FormInputControlMap 
                 ON FormInputControl.ID = FormInputControlMap.FieldID INNER JOIN FormControl
                 ON FormInputControlMap.FormID = FormControl.ID INNER JOIN CustomFieldTypes 
                 ON FormInputControl.Type = CustomFieldTypes.Type
   WHERE    (CustomFieldTypes.PropertyModule LIKE '/ADF/apps/%')
   ORDER BY FormControl.FormName, FormInputControl.Type

Repeat the same process of updating the other ADF application custom field types to modify the scripts loadJQuery function call to add the "noconflict" argument.


Follow the steps below to upgrade the ADF directory:

  1. Download the ADF v1.5.1 from the Community site project page.
  2. On your server, rename the "ADF" directory to "ADF-1.5.0".
  3. Unzip the ADF v1.5.1 download and make sure is named as "ADF" on your server.
  4. Copy all the applications from the "/ADF-1.5.0/apps/" directory to the "/ADF/apps" directory.
  5. Reset the ADF through the web browser with the following URL parameter:
    1.  ?resetADF=1

Validate Upgrade

There are 2 methods to validate the ADF upgrade.

ADF Reset

  1. Reset the ADF through the web browser with the following URL parameter:
    1.  ?resetADF=1
  2. The reset command will add text to the top line of the page. If you see the following text with the date/time stamp:
    1. ADF v1.5.1 has been reset successfully!
  3. Upgrade was successful and you are running the ADF v1.5.1.

ADF Version Output

  1. In the browser, add the following URL parameter:
    1.  ?ADFDumpVar=application.ADF.version
  2. This command with output the ADF version at the top of the page. If you see the following text:
    1. 1.5.1
  3. Upgrade was successful and you are running the ADF v1.5.1.

Thanks for upgrading and start enjoying the ADF now!