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Latest revision as of 14:30, 26 December 2012

r141 | mcarroll | 2012-12-26 09:00:11 EST Changed paths: A /tags/2.3

Release v2.3.

r140 | mcarroll | 2012-12-26 08:58:39 EST Changed paths: M /trunk/components/photoDAO.cfc M /trunk/datasheet-modules/category-display-render.cfm M /trunk/customcf/photo_upload_crop_form.cfm M /trunk/components/photoForms.cfc M /trunk/customfields/photo_upload_link_render.cfm M /trunk/customcf/handle_photo_upload.cfm M /trunk/exported-objects/Photo-Upload-Link-Custom-Field-Type.zip A /trunk/exported-objects/Photo-Category-Custom-Field-Type.zip M /trunk/datasheet-modules/photo-id-image-preview-display-render.cfm M /trunk/components/photoService.cfc M /trunk/renderhandlers/gallery_single_image_rh.cfm M /trunk/components/photoGC.cfc M /trunk/customfields/photo_upload_render.cfm M /trunk/appBeanConfig.cfm A /trunk/customfields/photo_category_props.cfm M /trunk/style/ptPhotoGallery.css M /trunk A /trunk/customfields/photo_category_render.cfm M /trunk/components/photoUploadService.cfc M /trunk/renderhandlers/cycle_display_rh.cfm M /trunk/customcf/photo_config_admin_ds.cfm M /trunk/datasheet-modules/photo-update-edit-form-data.cfm M /trunk/customfields/photo_upload_link_props.cfm M /trunk/customfields/photo_upload_crop_render.cfm M /trunk/customcf/manager_layout.cfm M /trunk/customfields/photo_chooser_render.cfm M /trunk/components/App.cfc

Merged the branch v2.3 into the TRUNK.

r139 | mcarroll | 2012-11-13 10:40:38 EST Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc

Updated the SVN Build version for the app.

r138 | mcarroll | 2012-11-12 16:56:13 EST Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_crop_render.cfm M /branches/2.3/datasheet-modules/photo-id-image-preview-display-render.cfm M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_link_render.cfm M /branches/2.3/customcf/photo_upload_crop_form.cfm

Resolved issues with the photo crop field type.

r137 | gcronkright | 2012-10-30 11:37:29 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/photoDAO.cfc M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc M /branches/2.3/components/photoUploadService.cfc M /branches/2.3/appBeanConfig.cfm

Function: imgGalleryUpload Updates: Updated to add a photoDescription parameter for photo description that is required by the CCAPI. Added application.ptPhotoGallery.CSUpload and removed server getBean for easier updating from the appBeanConfig

Update: Added the CSUpload_1_0 Dependency to the appBeanConfig

r136 | mcarroll | 2012-09-13 08:29:59 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc M /branches/2.3/style/ptPhotoGallery.css M /branches/2.3/customcf/manager_layout.cfm

Customized the surrounding div class for specific app styles.

r135 | mcarroll | 2012-08-28 13:56:25 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc M /branches/2.3/components/photoGC.cfc

Updates for Railo and performance.

Function: loadSearchBox Description: Changed the input field name to "search_box".

Function: getChooserData Description: Added "categoryID" argument. Updated logic to return a max limit to not return all the records.

Function: getSelections Description: Passed the category ID filter into the "getChooserData" function.

r134 | mcarroll | 2012-08-28 13:54:52 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/renderhandlers/cycle_display_rh.cfm

Added "div clear" at the top to make the element UI clean.

r133 | mcarroll | 2012-08-28 12:52:12 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_render.cfm

Updated the 'categoryID' arg in the delete AJAX call to get from the category field directly.

r132 | mcarroll | 2012-08-28 12:33:16 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/photoService.cfc

Function: photoService.deletePhoto Description: Var'd variables. Updated the variable into the CSFile argument.

r131 | mcarroll | 2012-08-28 11:44:01 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/customcf/handle_photo_upload.cfm

Updated upload process to remove special characters from the file name.

r130 | mcarroll | 2012-08-27 16:30:06 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_render.cfm

Updated logic for the enable/disable of the other form fields.

r129 | mcarroll | 2012-08-27 16:19:47 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/customcf/photo_config_admin_ds.cfm

Added "font-size" for the buttons.

r128 | mcarroll | 2012-08-27 16:17:12 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/photoDAO.cfc

Function: PhotoDAO.imgGalleryUpload Description: Added "description" field to upload into the Image Gallery.

r127 | mcarroll | 2012-08-27 15:46:35 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/datasheet-modules/category-display-render.cfm

Removed "font" tag around the display.

r126 | mcarroll | 2012-08-27 15:43:05 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/style/ptPhotoGallery.css M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc

Added "output=false" to all functions for Railo compatiablity. Updated the styles for the photo manager add and edit buttons.

r125 | mcarroll | 2012-07-27 08:12:32 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_link_render.cfm

Updated font size to standardize around the "upload" anchor tag.

r124 | mcarroll | 2012-07-24 18:32:35 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_link_render.cfm M /branches/2.3/components/photoUploadService.cfc M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc

Updated the callback functionality for the Photo Upload Link CFT with the Upload Dialog render option.

r123 | mcarroll | 2012-07-24 18:31:19 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/datasheet-modules/photo-update-edit-form-data.cfm

Added CSS for the app.

r122 | mcarroll | 2012-07-12 13:47:11 EDT Changed paths: A /branches/2.3/exported-objects/Photo-Category-Custom-Field-Type.zip M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc M /branches/2.3/exported-objects/Photo-Upload-Link-Custom-Field-Type.zip

Updated the exported objects.

r121 | mcarroll | 2012-07-11 16:53:12 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc A /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_category_render.cfm M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_link_render.cfm A /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_category_props.cfm

Added new "Photo Category" custom field type. Updated the photo category to force the category based if a category ID is passed over the URL.

r120 | mcarroll | 2012-07-11 16:52:08 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/photoUploadService.cfc

Function: loadPhotoUploadDialog Description: Added validation if the category argument has an empty length.

r119 | mcarroll | 2012-07-11 15:25:09 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_link_render.cfm M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_link_props.cfm

Added options to enter the "Photo ID" and "Photo Upload" field names.

r118 | mcarroll | 2012-07-10 12:34:47 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_link_props.cfm M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_link_render.cfm

Added options to enter the "Photo ID" and "Photo Upload" field names.

r117 | mcarroll | 2012-07-05 16:05:36 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_link_props.cfm M /branches/2.3/customfields/photo_upload_link_render.cfm

Added option to set the field value to store. Added field validation and security.

r116 | mcarroll | 2012-07-05 16:05:09 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/photoService.cfc

Function: photoService.processPhoto Description: Added named argument to "getPhotoData" function.

Function: photoService.handlePhotoEdit Description: Change the return type to return the HTML string message to display and photo data structures.

Function: photoService.processForm Description: Change the return type to return the HTML string message to display and photo data structures.

Function: photoService.getPhotoIDByOriginalPath Description: Created function.

r115 | mcarroll | 2012-07-05 15:49:10 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/photoForms.cfc

Function: photoForms.photoAddEdit Description: Updated the return data format from the "photoService.processForm" function. Get the callback data from the return data in the process function.

r114 | mcarroll | 2012-07-05 15:47:59 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/components/photoDAO.cfc M /branches/2.3/renderhandlers/gallery_single_image_rh.cfm

Function: photoDAO.getPhotoData Description: Added filter param for Photo URL.

r113 | mcarroll | 2012-07-05 10:54:50 EDT Changed paths: M /branches/2.3/appBeanConfig.cfm M /branches/2.3/components/App.cfc

Updated app version and SVN build numbers.