Difference between revisions of "CCAPITestScript"

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(Created page with 'This script goes into the individual subsite's customcf folder and is ran directly. <!--- Use: To test that the CCAPI configuration is working correctly. Requirements: The CCAPI…')
(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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This script goes into the individual subsite's customcf folder and is ran directly.
This script goes into the individual subsite's customcf folder and is ran directly.
Use: To test that the CCAPI configuration is working correctly.
Use: To test that the CCAPI configuration is working correctly.
Line 7: Line 8:
To reset the adf: Log in as an administrator. Add ?resetSiteADF=1&resetServerADF=1 to the end of your url
To reset the adf: Log in as an administrator. Add ?resetSiteADF=1&resetServerADF=1 to the end of your url
userid = "admin-commonspot";
userid = "admin-commonspot";<br/>
password = "password";
password = "password";<br/>
webserviceURL = "http://myserver/commonspot/webservice/cs_service.cfc?wsdl";
webserviceURL = "http://myserver/commonspot/webservice/cs_service.cfc?wsdl";<br/>
site = "http://myserver/sitename";
site = "http://myserver/sitename"; <br/>
datadir = ""; // the full path to the location of your source uploaded documents/images (requires trailiing slash)
datadir = ""; // the full path to the location of your source uploaded <br/>documents/images (requires trailiing slash)
<!--- The following should not need to be modified. --->
<!--- The following should not need to be modified. --->
<cfoutput><p>Time at beginning of CCAPI login process: #now()#</p></cfoutput>
<cfoutput><p>Time at beginning of CCAPI login process: #now()#</p></cfoutput>

Latest revision as of 17:23, 6 October 2010

This script goes into the individual subsite's customcf folder and is ran directly.

<!--- Use: To test that the CCAPI configuration is working correctly. Requirements: The CCAPI.xml file also reflects the next cfscript block and the ADF has been reset. To reset the adf: Log in as an administrator. Add ?resetSiteADF=1&resetServerADF=1 to the end of your url ---->

<cfscript> userid = "admin-commonspot";
password = "password";
webserviceURL = "http://myserver/commonspot/webservice/cs_service.cfc?wsdl";
site = "http://myserver/sitename";
datadir = ""; // the full path to the location of your source uploaded
documents/images (requires trailiing slash) </cfscript>

<!--- The following should not need to be modified. --->


Time at beginning of CCAPI login process: #now()#


<cfobject webservice="#webserviceURL#" name = "ws">

<cfinvoke webservice = "#ws#" method ="cslogin" site = "#site#" csuserid="#userid#" cspassword="#password#" subsiteid="1" subsiteurl="/" returnVariable="loginResult">

<cfif ListFirst(loginResult, ":") is "Error"> <cfoutput>Login Failed - #loginResult#</cfoutput> <cfexit> </cfif>

<cfset ssid = ListRest(loginResult, ":")> <cfoutput>Original Method Login -- #ssid#

<cfinvoke webservice="#ws#" method="cslogout" ssid="#ssid#" returnVariable="finalLogoutResult">

<CFOUTPUT>Original Method Logout -- #finalLogoutResult#


Time at end of CCAPI test: #now()#



ADF.CCAPI method

<cfset myInitResult = application.adf.ccapi.initccapi()>

I think I initalized the CCAPI.

<cfset myLoginResult = application.adf.ccapi.login(1)>


<cfdump var="#myLoginResult#" label="myLoginResult" expand="no"> <cfset AmLoggedIn = application.adf.ccapi.loggedin()>

Did I login to the site?: #AmLoggedIn#

<cfset AmLoggedOut = application.adf.ccapi.logout()>

Did I logout of the site?: #AmLoggedOut#
