PT Import Content Lightbox Controller
From ADF Docs
The Lightbox Controller page is main user interface for the lightbox dialogs for the application. Many lightbox dialogs are used for the jobs, tools, history, and reporting. This controller page will open all the lightbox pages and include the scripts that need to run in the page.
Follow these steps to configure the page.
- Create a new page called 'Lightbox Controller' from the Blank template and in the /webadmin/importcontent/ subsite.
- In the main content of the page place a Custom Script element.
- From the Custom Script element interface, click the "Edit" icon.
- Enter the following text into the Explicit Module path: /ADF/apps/pt_import_content/customcf/lightbox_controller.cfm.
- Publish the page
Update Configuration
Update the PT Import Content Configuration for the lightbox_controller field. Edit the data in the tag and enter the relative URL page that was created (ex. '/webadmin/importcontent/index.cfm').
Reset the ADF for the server and site.