var retResult = StructNew();
var minInterval = getRebuildFeedCacheInterval();
var schedTaskApp = "ptSocialMedia";
var schedTaskBean = "socialMediaScheduledTasksDAO";
var schedTaskMethod = "runCacheRebuildScheduledTask";
var rebuildFeedCacheschedTaskName = getRebuildFeedCacheScheduledTaskName();
var schedTaskNameSuffix = getScheduledTaskSuffix();
var schedTaskName = rebuildFeedCacheschedTaskName & schedTaskNameSuffix;
var CSRF_Token = application.ADF.csSecurity.getCSRF_Token();
var schedTaskFile = "rebuild-feed-cache.cfm";
var schedTaskPath = "/_cs_apps/pt_social_media/scheduled/";
var schedTaskDirPath = ExpandPath(schedTaskPath);
var schedTaskDirFilePath = schedTaskDirPath & schedTaskFile;
var serverUrl = (( cgi.https == 'on' ) ? 'https' : 'http') & '://' & cgi.SERVER_NAME & (( cgi.SERVER_PORT == 80 OR cgi.SERVER_PORT == 443 ) ? '' : ':' & cgi.SERVER_PORT);
var fullSchedTaskURL = serverUrl & schedTaskPath & schedTaskFile;
// WRONG! var fullSchedTaskURL = "https://#cgi.server_name#:#cgi.server_port##application.ADF.ajaxProxy#?app=#schedTaskApp#&bean=#schedTaskBean#&method=#schedTaskMethod#&CSRF_Token=#CSRF_Token#";
var logFilePrefix = dateFormat(now(), "yyyymmdd") & "." & & ".";
var schedLogFileName = logFilePrefix & schedTaskName & ".log";
// Get the Source File to copy
var schedTaskSrcFilePath = application.ADF.url & "/apps/pt_social_media/site-files/_cs_apps/pt_social_media/" & schedTaskFile;
var schedTaskSrcDirFilePath = ExpandPath(schedTaskSrcFilePath);
// Set the Scheduled tasks defaults
var defaultMinTimeout = 15;
var defaultMinInterval = 15;
var defaultStartDate = now();
var defaultStartTime = '00:01:00'; // 12:01:00 AM
// NOT NEEDED - var defaultStartDateTime = defaultStartDate & " " & defaultStartTime;
var schedStartDate = "";
var schedStartTime = "";
// NOT NEEDED - var schedStartDateTime = "";
var schedTaskInterval = defaultMinInterval * 60; // Convert to seconds
var schedTaskTimeout = defaultMinTimeout * 60; // Convert to seconds
var dirResult = '';
var copyResult = '';
// Create the directory structure if needed
dirResult = application.ptSocialMedia.utils.createDataFileFolders(filePath=schedTaskDirFilePath);
// Copy the scheduler file to the site
copyResult = application.ADF.csData.csFile(action="COPY",source=schedTaskSrcDirFilePath,destination=schedTaskDirPath);
if ( StructKeyExists(copyResult,"success") AND copyResult.success EQ true )
retResult.error = false;
retResult.error = true;
retResult.status = "failed";
retResult.details = copyResult;
if ( retResult.error EQ false )
if ( IsNumeric(minInterval) AND minInterval GT 0 )
schedTaskInterval = minInterval * 60; // Convert to seconds
// No longer setting the Schedule task for minInterval in the future
// - Now setting it for the next day
/* if ( IsNumeric(minInterval) AND minInterval GT 0 )
schedTaskInterval = minInterval * 60; // Convert to seconds
// Set the the Start Date/Time to be the MinInterval from now (default 15 mins)
schedStartDateTime = DateAdd('n', minInterval, defaultStartDateTime);
// Set the the Start Date/Time to be the from 15 mins from now
schedStartDateTime = DateAdd('n', defaultMinInterval, defaultStartDateTime);
// Set the schedule start date
schedStartDate = defaultStartDate;
// - Updated to 1 day from now to start at the beginning the next day
// (Since date/time must be in the future!)
schedStartDate = DateAdd("d",1,defaultStartDate);
schedStartDate = DateFormat(schedStartDate, "mm/dd/yyyy");
// Set the schedule start time
schedStartTime = TimeFormat(defaultStartTime, "HH:mm");
// The setScheduledTask function returns void... so try/catch it
retResult = application.ptSocialMedia.utils.setRecurringScheduledTask(
retResult returns: authenicated:true/false and "status":success/failed and on error "msg"
if ( !StructKEyExists(retResult,"status") OR retResult.status EQ "failed" )
retResult.error = true;
retResult.status = "failed";
retResult.error = false;
catch (any e)
retResult.error = true;
retResult.status = "failed";
retResult.ErrorDetails = cfcatch;
if ( retResult.error )
//Log the Error
return retResult;
var runStatus = false;
// Check if the time limit has exceeded, and clear the variable - Default: 20 mins
if ( DateDiff("n", server.ADF.ptSocialMedia.cacheThreadStart, now()) GT 20 )
server.ADF.ptSocialMedia.cacheThreadStatus = "none";
runStatus = true;
//Log the runCacheRebuildScheduledTask Status
var appName = 'ptSocialMedia';
var methodName = 'socialMediaScheduledTasksDAO';
var processName = 'socialMediaScheduledTasksDAO';
var logMsg = 'Cache Rebuild Status: #runStatus#';
var logData = server.ADF.ptSocialMedia;
var addBreak = true;
var addTimeStamp = true;
// ,breakChar,breakSize,delimiter,fileNameOverride,addTimeStamp,logDir,restartFile
// Check to make sure the build on restart thread is not running
/*if ( server.ADF.ptSocialMedia.cacheThreadStatus NEQ 'running' )
server.ADF.ptSocialMedia.cacheThreadStart = now();
server.ADF.ptSocialMedia.cacheThreadEnd = "";
server.ADF.ptSocialMedia.cacheThreadStatus = "running";
runStatus = true;
return runStatus;
var rebuildFeedCacheschedTaskName = getRebuildFeedCacheScheduledTaskName();
var schedTaskNameSuffix = getScheduledTaskSuffix();
var schedTaskName = rebuildFeedCacheschedTaskName & schedTaskNameSuffix;
return deleteScheduledTaskItem(scheduleName=schedTaskName);
try {
return true;
catch(Any e) {
return false;