// Get the values from the Configuration Element appConfigStruct = application.ptSocialMedia.getAppConfig(); // initialize the uitheme to a known good value uiTheme = 'redmond'; // Set the UI theme from the Configuration Element if ( structKeyExists(appConfigStruct,"ui_theme") AND LEN(TRIM(appConfigStruct['ui_theme'])) ) uiTheme = appConfigStruct['ui_theme']; // Load the JQuery Plugin Headers application.ptSocialMedia.scripts.loadjQuery(); // load header for jQuery UI application.ptSocialMedia.scripts.loadJQueryUI(themeName=uiTheme); // Load the JQuery TimeAgo Plugin Headers application.ptSocialMedia.scripts.loadjQueryTimeAgo(); // Load the JQuery CFJS Plugin Headers application.ptSocialMedia.scripts.loadCFJS(); // Load the Social Media App JS Headers application.ptSocialMedia.socialMediaService.loadSocialMediaJS(); // Get the state of the App Level Feed Cache useFeedCache = application.ptSocialMedia.getFeedCacheState(); // Check for CS Author Mode csMode = ""; if ( StructKeyExists(request,"renderstate") AND StructKeyExists(request.renderstate,"rendermode") ) csMode = request.renderstate.rendermode; // Check status of socialMediaDebugToolsMode variable if ( !StructKeyExists(request,"ptSocialMedia") ) request.ptSocialMedia = StructNew(); if ( !StructKeyExists(request.ptSocialMedia,"socialMediaDebugToolsMode") ) request.ptSocialMedia.socialMediaDebugToolsMode = false; /* // --- cacheValidUntil Sample code block-- // Cache for a set amount of time then refresh the cache // - Set the number of minutes to cache minsToCache = 5; // - Set the rebuild Date/Time using the minutes to cache from above rebuildDate = dateAdd("n", minsToCache, now()); // - Tell the element to cache until the rebuild date request.element.cacheValidUntil = Mid(CreateODBCDateTime(rebuildDate),6,19); // - Make sure that the element is static request.element.isStatic = 1; // --- if using cacheValidUntil comment out the 'isStatic = 0' line below */ request.element.isStatic = 0; // Set the Default for the Show Error flag showError = true; showModerateTools = false; showSocialMediaToolsBtn = false; socialMediaToolsBtnShowText = "Show Moderation Bars"; socialMediaToolsBtnHideText = "Hide Moderation Bars"; showElementDump = false; showDataDump = false; showFeedDump = false; showSourceDataDump = false; useCacheOverride = false; noRenderHTML = false; showTestPost = false; CSRF_Token = application.ADF.csSecurity.getCSRF_Token(); // If debug tools are available allow url variables to control debug output if ( request.ptSocialMedia.socialMediaDebugToolsMode ) { request.element.isStatic = 0; // for debug mode make sure element is not Cached by CS if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"showElement") AND IsBoolean(request.params.showElement) ) showElementDump = request.params.showElement; if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"showData") AND IsBoolean(request.params.showData) ) showDataDump = request.params.showData; if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"showFeed") AND IsBoolean(request.params.showFeed) ) showFeedDump = request.params.showFeed; if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"showSourceData") AND IsBoolean(request.params.showSourceData) ) showSourceDataDump = request.params.showSourceData; if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"disableFeedCache") AND IsBoolean(request.params.disableFeedCache) ) useCacheOverride = request.params.disableFeedCache; if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"noHTML") AND IsBoolean(request.params.noHTML) ) noRenderHTML = request.params.noHTML; if ( StructKeyExists(request.params,"showTestPost") AND IsBoolean(request.params.showTestPost) ) showTestPost = request.params.showTestPost; } // Set variabless for items that should only be show in author mode and with the correct user rights if ( ListFindNoCase("author,edit",csMode) ) { showSocialMediaToolsBtn = true; showModerateTools = true; } // Made it past the initial data check ... turn off the error showError = false; outputHTML = true; //Set Ajax Proxy Path AjaxPath = application.ADF.ajaxProxy; //Set the Controller Bean and the RomoveMethod ControllerBean = "feedController"; RemoveMethod = "removePost"; //application.ptSocialMedia.scripts.setDebugMode(debugMode=true); // Get the data items in the RH selectedFeeds = attributes.elementInfo.elementData.propertyValues; // Since we are only worried about what is in the first array item grab that one selectedFeedStruct = StructNew(); if ( ArrayLen(selectedFeeds) ) selectedFeedStruct = selectedFeeds[1]; // TODO: Add admin/contributor rights check around this DUMP if ( showElementDump AND StructKeyExists(selectedFeedStruct,"values") ) application.ptSocialMedia.utils.doDump(selectedFeedStruct.values,"selectedFeedStruct",0); items = ArrayNew(1); maxRenderLimit = 10; facebookLikeButtonStyle = "Button Count"; //Standard likeStyle = "button_count"; likeWidth = 200; twitterTweetButtonStyle = "No Count"; tweetStyle = "none"; showSourceLinks = "No Display"; sourceLinksPosition = ""; youTubeThumbImageHTML = ""; openYouTubePlayersInLB = "No"; lbYouTubePlayerWidth = "480"; //Default: 480x270 aspect ratio 16:9 lbYouTubePlayerHeight = "270"; // Make sure Feed Selector Element Returns selected feed records if ( StructKeyExists(selectedFeedStruct,"values") ) { // Get the RenderLimit from the selected feed meta data if ( StructKeyExists(selectedFeedStruct.values,"renderLimit") ) maxRenderLimit = selectedFeedStruct.values.renderLimit; // Get the fbLikeButtonStyle from the selected feed meta data if ( StructKeyExists(selectedFeedStruct.values,"fbLikeButtonStyle") ) facebookLikeButtonStyle = selectedFeedStruct.values.fbLikeButtonStyle; // 2025-02-12 - Removed Twitter Posts logic // Get the tweetButtonStyle from the selected feed meta data //if ( StructKeyExists(selectedFeedStruct.values,"tweetButtonStyle") ) //twitterTweetButtonStyle = selectedFeedStruct.values.tweetButtonStyle; // Get the tweetButtonStyle from the selected feed meta data if ( StructKeyExists(selectedFeedStruct.values,"displaySourcesLinks") ) showSourceLinks = selectedFeedStruct.values.displaySourcesLinks; // Get the youtubePlayersInLB from the selected feed meta data if ( StructKeyExists(selectedFeedStruct.values,"youtubePlayersInLB") ) openYouTubePlayersInLB = selectedFeedStruct.values.youtubePlayersInLB; // Get the youtubePlayerSizeInLB from the selected feed meta data // - Convert the value to a width and a height if ( StructKeyExists(selectedFeedStruct.values,"youtubePlayerSizeInLB") AND LEN(TRIM(selectedFeedStruct.values.youtubePlayerSizeInLB)) ) { youtubePlayerSizeInLB = selectedFeedStruct.values.youtubePlayerSizeInLB ; if ( IsNumeric(ListFirst(youtubePlayerSizeInLB,"x")) ) lbYouTubePlayerWidth = ListFirst(youtubePlayerSizeInLB,"x"); if ( IsNumeric(ListLast(youtubePlayerSizeInLB,"x")) ) lbYouTubePlayerHeight = ListLast(youtubePlayerSizeInLB,"x"); } // Facebook Button CE Options: No Button, Standard, Button Count, Box Count // FB Parameter Values: standard, button_count, box_count if ( facebookLikeButtonStyle EQ "Button Count" ) likeStyle = "button_count"; else if ( facebookLikeButtonStyle EQ "Box Count" ) likeStyle = "box_count"; else if ( facebookLikeButtonStyle EQ "Standard" ) likeStyle = "standard"; // 2025-02-12 - Removed Twitter Posts logic // Twitter Button CE Options: No Button, No Count, Vertical Count, Horizontal Count // Twitter Parameter Values: none, horizontal, vertical /* if ( twitterTweetButtonStyle EQ "Vertical Count" ) tweetStyle = "vertical"; else if ( twitterTweetButtonStyle EQ "Horizontal Count" ) tweetStyle = "horizontal"; else if ( twitterTweetButtonStyle EQ "No Count" ) tweetStyle = "none"; */ // Set the source link display position if ( showSourceLinks EQ "Links on Top" ) sourceLinksPosition = "top"; else if ( showSourceLinks EQ "Links on Bottom" ) sourceLinksPosition = "bottom"; // Get Feed Data from the Combined from the selected Feeds items = application.ptSocialMedia.feedController.buildCombinedFeedItems( selectedFeeds=selectedFeedStruct ,sortOrder="desc" ,sortField="PublishedDate" ,addTestData=showTestPost ,showFeedDump=showFeedDump ,useCacheOverride=useCacheOverride ); // TODO: Add admin/contributor rights check around this DUMP if ( showDataDump ) application.ptSocialMedia.utils.doDump(items,"items",0); // Set the Max Number of Result to display if ( ArrayLen(items) LT maxRenderLimit ) maxRenderLimit = ArrayLen(items); } if ( ArrayLen(items) EQ 0 ) showError = true; if ( noRenderHTML ) outputHTML = false; // Do not Show Moderation Tools if there are no items returned (or if there was an error) //if ( showError ) { //showSocialMediaToolsBtn = false; //showModerateTools = false; //} application.ptSocialMedia.scripts.addFooterJS(socialMediaStreamJS,"tertiary");

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