variables.ElementName = getWordPressBlogsCEName(); variables.CCAPIName = getCCAPIName(ceName=variables.ElementName); variables.ElementIDfield = "uniqueID"; var ceArray = Application.ptSocialMedia.CEData.getCEData(variables.ElementName); return ceArray; var fieldName = "feedActive"; var fieldValue = 1; return Application.ptSocialMedia.CEData.getCEData(variables.ElementName,fieldName,fieldValue); var dataStruct = StructNew(); var ceArray = Application.ptSocialMedia.CEData.getCEData(variables.ElementName,variables.ElementIDfield,arguments.uniqueID); if ( ArrayLen(ceArray) ) dataStruct = ceArray[1]; return dataStruct; var ceArray = ArrayNew(1); var newArray = ArrayNew(1); // if idList has values, get the values that match items in the list from the element if ( ListLen(arguments.idList) ) ceArray = Application.ptSocialMedia.CEData.getCEData(variables.ElementName,variables.ElementIDfield,arguments.idList); // Check to see is a filter field and filter value has been passed if ( LEN(TRIM(arguments.filterField)) AND LEN(TRIM(arguments.filterValue)) ) { for ( itm=1; itm LTE ArrayLen(ceArray); itm=itm+1 ) { // - Filter out records that do not match the 'FilterValue' if ( StructKeyExists(ceArray[itm].values,arguments.filterField) AND TRIM(ceArray[itm].values[arguments.filterField]) EQ arguments.filterValue ) arrayAppend(newArray, ceArray[itm]); } // Convert newArray back the ceArray for the return ceArray = newArray; } return ceArray; var retStatusStruct = StructNew(); var dataValues = StructNew(); var status = ""; var serviceData = StructNew(); retStatusStruct['MSG'] = "failed"; retStatusStruct['CONTENTUPDATED'] = false; retStatusStruct['STATUS'] = status; // Get the Element Record Data for the passed in FeedID serviceData = getWordPressBlogByID( uniqueID=TRIM(arguments.feedID) ); if ( StructKeyExists(serviceData,"values") ) { // Copy existing values and dataPageID to the dataValues struct dataValues = serviceData.values; dataValues.dataPageID = serviceData.PageID; if ( StructKeyExists(serviceData.values,"postExcludeList") ) { if ( ListFindNoCase(serviceData.values.postExcludeList,arguments.postID) EQ 0 ) { dataValues.postExcludeList = ListAppend(serviceData.values.postExcludeList,arguments.postID); status = "updated"; } } else { dataValues.postExcludeList = arguments.postID; status = "updated"; } } if ( status EQ "updated" ) { // Call the CCAPI to update the element retStatusStruct = wordPressBlogsCCAPI(dataValues); } if ( retStatusStruct['CONTENTUPDATED'] IS true ) { retStatusStruct['MSG'] = 'success'; retStatusStruct['STATUS'] = status; } return retStatusStruct; var retStatusStruct = StructNew(); // Populate dataValues struct into the element retStatusStruct = application.ptSocialMedia.csContent.populateContent(variables.CCAPIName, arguments.dataValues); /* retStatusStruct RETURNS: CONTENTUPDATED : true/false & CONTENTUPDATERESPONSE: Success:1 */ return retStatusStruct;