var feedMeta = StructNew();
var appConfigStruct = getAppConfig();
var serviceURL = "";
var serviceImageData = StructNew();
var serviceImagePath = "/ADF/apps/pt_social_media/images/wordpress-32.gif";
// Get the ServiceURL default from config element
if ( StructKeyExists(appConfigStruct,"wordPressServiceURL") )
serviceURL = appConfigStruct.wordPressServiceURL;
// Get the ServiceImage default from config element
if ( StructKeyExists(appConfigStruct,"wordPressServiceImage") AND ListFirst(appConfigStruct.wordPressServiceImage,":") EQ "CPIMAGE" )
serviceImageData = application.ptSocialMedia.csData.decipherCPIMAGE(appConfigStruct.wordPressServiceImage);
if ( StructKeyExists(serviceImageData,"ResolvedURL") AND StructKeyExists(serviceImageData.ResolvedURL,"ServerRelative") AND LEN(TRIM(serviceImageData.ResolvedURL.ServerRelative)) )
serviceImagePath = serviceImageData.ResolvedURL.ServerRelative;
// General Feed MetaData
feedMeta.ServiceType = "wordpress";
feedMeta.ServiceLink = serviceURL;
feedMeta.ServiceLogo = serviceImagePath;
return feedMeta;
var objHttp = StructNew();
var feedError = false;
var feedErrorDetails = StructNew();
if ( feedError ) {
objHttp['feedError'] = feedError;
objHttp['errorDetails'] = feedErrorDetails;
objHttp['statusCode'] = "cfhttp error";
objHttp['feedURL'] = arguments.feedURL;
//Log the Error
return objHttp;
var feedData = StructNew();
var reData = StructNew();
var rssStruct = StructNew();
var objHttp = getWordPressHTTPrequest(TRIM(arguments.feedURL));
var safehtmltaglist = "";
var normalizeError = false;
var feedErrorDetails = StructNew();
var feedError = false;
if ( StructKeyExists(objHttp,"Statuscode") AND Find("200",objHttp.Statuscode) ) {
if ( IsXML(objHttp.fileContent) )
feedData = objHttp.fileContent;
//feedData = XmlParse(objHttp.Filecontent);
// Normalize the Feed in to a Struct that contains an Array of Items
feedData = Application.ptSocialMedia.feedRSS.normalize(
rss: feedData
,prefersummary: true
,synthtitle: true
,xmlbase: true
,uri: TRIM(arguments.feedURL)
,nativeParseError: false
//,safehtmllist: safehtmltaglist
catch(Any excpt)
normalizeError = true;
feedErrorDetails = cfcatch;
if ( !normalizeError AND IsStruct(feedData) AND StructKeyExists(feedData,"items") )
reData = feedData;
if ( StructKeyExists(objHttp,"statuscode") )
reData['statuscode'] = objHttp.statuscode;
//reData['status'] = "fail";
//reData['feed'] = StructNew();
//reData['feed']['status'] = "fail";
//reData['items'] = ArrayNew(1);
//reData['items'][1] = StructNew();
//reData['items'][1]['status'] = "fail";
reData['errorDetails'] = feedErrorDetails;
reData['feedError'] = "fail: normalization error";
reData['feedURL'] = arguments.feedURL;
reData['fileContent'] = feedData;
if ( StructKeyExists(objHttp,"statuscode") )
reData['statuscode'] = objHttp.statuscode;
reData['feedError'] = "fail: XML not Returned";
reData['feedURL'] = arguments.feedURL;
if ( StructKeyExists(objHttp,"Filecontent") )
reData['fileContent'] = objHttp.Filecontent;
if ( StructKeyExists(objHttp,"statuscode") )
reData['statuscode'] = objHttp.statuscode;
reData['feedError'] = "fail: connection error";
reData['feedURL'] = arguments.feedURL;
if ( StructKeyExists(objHttp,"Filecontent") )
reData['fileContent'] = objHttp.Filecontent;
if ( StructKeyExists(objHttp,"statuscode") )
reData['statuscode'] = objHttp.statuscode;
// Log the Error if reData contains a feedError Key
if ( StructKeyExists(reData,"feedError") )
//Log the Error
return reData;
//var feedURL = "";
var feedData = StructNew();
var reData = ""; //StructNew()
var appConfigStruct = getAppConfig();
var apiSuffix = "";
var chrCnt = 0;
var apiURL = TRIM(arguments.blogURL);
var feedURL = "";
if ( StructKeyExists(appConfigStruct,"apiWordPressFeedSuffix") )
apiSuffix = appConfigStruct.apiWordPressFeedSuffix;
// if Config value starts with a "/" then remove the "/" and the end of the blogURL
if ( Left(apiSuffix,1) IS "/" )
if ( Right(apiURL,1) EQ "/" )
chrCnt = Len(apiURL);
chrCnt = chrCnt - 1;
if ( chrCnt GT 0 )
apiURL = Left(apiURL,chrCnt);
else if ( Left(apiSuffix,1) IS "?")
// TODO: add processing for standard query string config values
// Append the Config value to the end of the Blog URL
feedURL = apiURL & appConfigStruct.apiWordPressFeedSuffix;
//fix any character encoding from storing URLs in the config element
feedURL =;
if ( Len(Trim(feedURL)) ) {
// Pass the generated FeedURL to the getWordPressFeed method
feedData = getWordPressFeed(TRIM(feedURL));
// Are the feedData Results an Array
//if ( StructKeyExists(feedData,"results") AND IsArray(feedData.results) AND ArrayLen(feedData.results) )
//reData = feedData[1].results;
if ( StructKeyExists(feedData,"feed") )
reData = feedData;
// Log the error
reData = StructNew();
// Log the error if reData is not returning the expected data types
if ( !IsStruct(reData) )
reData = StructNew();
return reData;