v1.0 - ptPortlet Configuration element was updated. Additional field for "CS USERS DSN" was added. - In the CS Site Admin go to Manage Elements - Manually add a new field: CS_USERS_DSN (text) - Edit the data for the ptPortlet Configuration in the webadmin - If applicable enter data: commonspot-users - Reset ADF v1.0.1 - ptPortlet Configuration element was updated. POD Wizard fields were changed from TEXT to CS_URL fields - In the CS Site Admin go to Manage Elements - Manually update the field: POD WIZARD STEP 1 URL - Change field type from "text" to a "cs_url" - Manually update the field: POD WIZARD STEP 2 URL - Change field type from "text" to a "cs_url" - In the app webadmin edit the data for the ptPortlet Configuration - Select the lightbox page used for the Pod Wizard - Step 1 - Select the lightbox page used for the Pod Wizard - Step 2 - Reset ADF v1.0.2 - ptPorlet calls to JQuery and JQueryUI ADF scripts were updated Due to changes with JQuery 1.4.x and the JQueryUI 1.8.x in the Sortable functions calls to these libraries were modified - Removed JQueryUI Sortable 'cursorAt' parameter from column default render handler due to incompatibility