AjaxPath = application.ADF.ajaxProxy; AjaxBean = "managePodForms"; editForm = "renderAddEditForm"; lbAction = "refreshparent"; ConfigureBean = "managePodForms"; ConfigureRenderForm = "renderPodConfigureForm"; ConfigureNewTitle = "Configure New Pod Content"; ConfigureNewTextLink = "Configure New"; EditTitle = "Edit Pod"; DeleteTitle = "Delete Pod"; ConfigureTitle = "Configure Pod Content"; PreviewTitle = "Preview Pod"; PodBean = "podservice"; PodMethod = "handleBuildPod"; DeleteBean = "managePodForms"; DeleteMethod = "renderDeletePodForm"; podAction = ""; PodConfigLink = ""; PodContentTitle = ""; PodUserName = ""; lightboxwidth = 600; lightboxheight = 500; previewlightboxwidth = 250; previewlightboxheight = 500; deletelightboxwidth = 350; deletelightboxheight = 150; podid = request.datasheet.currentColumnValue; //podid = TRIM(request.DataSheetRow['podinstanceID'][Request.DataSheetRow.CurrentRow]); //request.datasheet.currentColumnValue podtype = TRIM(request.DataSheetRow['contentType'][Request.DataSheetRow.CurrentRow]); // FormID for the Data in the Row editFormID = application.ptportlet.getPortletPodInstanceFormID(); // Content Type FormID formID = application.ptportlet.cedata.getFormIDByCEName(podtype); // Get Pod Content Title by Type PodContentTitle = ""; podcontentArray = application.ptPortlet.ceData.getCEData(variables.podtype, "podinstanceID", podid); if ( ArrayLen(podcontentArray) ) { if ( LEN(TRIM(podcontentArray[1].Values.PodHeader)) ) { PodContentTitle = podcontentArray[1].Values.PodHeader; } else { PodContentTitle = "[" & podtype & "]"; } PodContentTitle = REREPLACE(PodContentTitle,"[\s]"," ","all"); } // Get User Name podinstanceExists = 0; PodUserName = ""; usersArray = application.ptPortlet.ceData.getCEData("PortletPodUserData"); //Application.ptPortlet.utils.dodump(usersArray,"usersArray",1); if ( ArrayLen(usersArray) ) { // Loop over data to find the correct user data that contains the podinstanceid for( i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(usersArray); i=i+1 ) { podinstanceExists = ListFindNoCase(usersArray[i].Values.PODINSTANCEIDLIST,podid); if ( podinstanceExists NEQ 0 ) { //userStruct = usersArray[i].Values; PodUserName = usersArray[i].Values.UserID; break; } } } //Application.ptPortlet.utils.dodump(userStruct,"userStruct",0); convertedUserID = ""; if ( isNumeric(PodUserName) ) { convertedUserID = Application.ptPortlet.portletUsersDAO.getUserNameByID(PodUserName); //Application.ptPortlet.utils.dodump(convertedUserID,"convertedUserID",1); if ( LEN(TRIM(convertedUserID)) ) PodUserName = convertedUserID; } // Get User Name //poduserArray = application.ptPortlet.ceData.getCEData("PortletUserContent","","","multi",podid,"PODINSTANCEIDLIST"); /* if ( ArrayLen(poduserArray) ) { if ( LEN(TRIM(poduserArray[1].Values.UserID)) ) { PodUserName = poduserArray[1].Values.UserID; } } */ if ( (podtype IS "Simple_Content") OR (podtype IS "Formatted_Content") ) lightboxwidth = 730; // Build Button Link Variables if ( len(trim(PodContentTitle)) EQ 0) { //variables.formID = application.ptPortlet.cedata.getFormIDByCEName(podtype); dpid = 0; formResultHTML = ""; podAction = "newcontent"; cellwidthText = "width: 150px"; } else { dpid = application.ptPortlet.portletService.getDataPageIDByUniqueID(variables.podtype,"podinstanceID",podid); formResultHTML = ""; podAction = ""; cellwidthText = "width: 100px"; }
#toolButtons# (#PodUserName#)