// Get the Configuration Data
appConfigStruct = application.ptPortlet.getAppConfig();
// Set the UI theme from the Configuration Element
if ( LEN(TRIM(appConfigStruct['portlet_ui_theme'])) )
UItheme = appConfigStruct['portlet_ui_theme'];
UItheme = 'redmond';
// load jQuery headers
// load headers for jQuery light box
// load header for jQuery UI
application.ptPortlet.scripts.loadJQueryUI("1.7.2", UItheme);
userid = '';
AddPodLinkText = "Add Pod";
//AddPodPath = request.subsitecache[1].url & appConfigStruct['add_pod_wizard_url'];
AddPodPath = appConfigStruct['add_pod_wizard_url'];
addPodLinkTitle = 'Add Pod';
lightboxwidth = 500;
lightboxheight = 600;
if ( StructKeyExists(session.user,"ptportlet") AND StructKeyExists(session.user.ptportlet,"profileid") )
userid = TRIM(session.user.ptportlet.profileid);
// Set the user override if user is logged in as a contributor and in authormode
if ( StructKeyExists(request,"renderstate") AND StructKeyExists(request.renderstate, "rendermode") AND request.renderstate.rendermode IS "author" )
userid = '';
defaultPortletColumnClass = "portletColumn";